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Yes. Tetras, guppies and angelfish can coexist in one fish tank. Keep in mind that Angel fish will get territorial when they are mating.

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Q: Can you keep tetras and guppies with dwarf angelfish?
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Can you keep guppies with red-finned tetras?

Simple answer is yes.

What can you keep with your angelfish?

Angelfish are slow and sedate fish they mix well with most Tetras, Rasboras, Corydoras, Dwarf cichlids etc. Just avoid the large or extremely boisterous fish that may bully or nip their fins.

Do angelfish leave their babies after birth?

no they don't. but both of the parents will eat the guppies... keep guppies away from mom and dad!

Should you get an African dwarf frog end of question you have 2 angles 6 serpe tetras 2 guppies and an algae eater?

Yes. In most cases, it should be fine. But heads up! Some tetras and danios harass aquatic frogs. A Fightn' Fact- Dwarf frogs eat young/small livebearers, so they can keep your population in check. ;)

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance

Would and Angelfish fight with Guppies plus Black Widow Tetras plus Danios plus a honey Gourami plus a Platy plus 2 Balloon Mollies and a Betta fish?

Well, the guppies might nip the angelfish's fins, which, in return, would cause the angelfish to chase and possibly eat them. The angelfish would terrorize the danios and tetras by chasing them. Quick side note: if you are planning on keeping a platy, I really wouldn't keep one! They're quite social fish, and they like to be in small groups. Basically, the angelfish will chase any small fish. The biggest problem you will encounter with this aquarium setup is the fight between the angelfish and the betta. I know from experience-I kept an angelfish and a betta together in a tank myself, and the betta ended up dying. The angelfish will nip the betta's fins, and the betta will nip the angelfish's. They will chase each other and bite a lot. My betta had fin rot and died because the angelfish had caused the fin rot to grow due to the fact that she had torn off all of his fins. I would definitely rethink this aquarium setup.

Can you keep damsels and angelfish together?

yes you can hre is a list okay for adding to the tank: Dwarf Angelfish, Large Angelfish, Anthias, Basslets, Blennies, Boxfish, Clownfish, Goatfish, Gobies, Hawkfish, Hogfish, Parrotfish, Pseudochromis, Puffers, Tangs & Surgeons and Wrasse.

What fish are compatible with guppies?

Fish that have long, wavy fins should not be put with guppies, because guppies will nibble their long fins. Also, many bigger fish will eat guppies. Keep a separate tank with guppies and a few "cleaner" fish, which do not harm guppies.

Can 4 guppies and 2 neon tetras go in a 2 gallon tank?

Yes, since Guppies and Neon Tetras are small fish (and stay small), there should be no problem with them living comfortably in a 2 gallon tank. You should add a little filter and air bubble combo to keep the water clean and aerated. Since these are tropical fish, you should also add a small heater and a thermometer. Goldfish do not need a heater but tropical fish do.

Do differtent kind of guppies get along with other guppies?

Provided you keep to the basic rules of. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank need at least 50% of its water replaced every week. You can mix many different species with guppies. A few suggestions are fish from the following family groups. Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids, Anabantids and Corydoras. There are many others but your local pet shop should be able to advise you.

What fish can you keep with cardinal tetras?

Cardinal Tetras are from the very tropical, acid waters of the Amazonian Rainforest. Almost any small fish species that comes either from the same area or places that have similar water conditions should be OK with them. The species that come to mind are most Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Rasboras, Corydoras, and most of the Dwarf Amazonian Cichlids like Rams etc.

Most popular fish of freshwater aquarium fish species?

There are a lot of very popular fresh water wish species that people keep in aquariums. Probably the most popular would have to be goldfish. But guppies and tetras are also very common