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No, you can keep one or the other, but not both together

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Q: Can you keep two Oscars and two jack dempseys in a 75 gallon?
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Can you keep 1 jack dempsey cichlid with 2 convicts in a 30 gallon?

just your convict cichlids but, a jack would need a 55

Shall you keep all Oscar fish in one tank?

If the tank is large enough. For rearing young Oscars a 50 gallon tank is about right for 5 fish.

What fish can you keep with your Tiger Oscars?

Tiger Oscars really should only be kept with Tiger Oscars. if you can find a fish that can grow to be equally large and have the temperament to survive with an Oscar then by all means try to keep them together, but Oscars will eat anything.

How many Oscars can you keep in a tank?

yes they can

Can a Oscar live in a 10 gallon tank its whole life?

absolutely......NOT you are on drugs if you think so Oscars are very beautiful fish and deserve atleast a 30 gallon. if you would keep it in a 10 it will stop growing on the outside but on the inside they wont stop and eventually die from internal bleeding

If you have two filters that are rated for 75 gallon tanks and only have a 55 gallon tank can you have two Oscars and will they be happy?

No problem. Your filters are rated to clean up to or no more than 75 gallons of water. Less water is OK. 55 gallons is great size tank and your filters should keep it nice and clean. Your Oscars should be very happy. Don't forget to change the filters every couple of weeks. Have fun.

What can you do to keep two 4-inch long Oscars mentally stimulated?

The Oscar fish naturally stay calm when they are in a pair.keeping more than two Oscars in the same fish tank can cause then to get aggressiveso keep two Oscars at the max in one tank.

Is a 20 gallon tank big enough to keep 1 Oscar or a jack dempsey or a green terror?

Im not sure about the green terror but with the Oscar and maybe jack dempsey as long as your fish isn't full grown (10-14 inches) then it will probably be fine

What does jack build to keep away trespassers?

Jack builds a thicket to keep away trespassers.

Can your Oscar fish live with ich?

If you wish to keep other fish with Oscars you will need a very large tank. The smallest tank to successfully keep 2 Oscars in is 6 foot x 2 ft x 2 ft. Other large Cichlids from the Amazon area can be kept with them. The basic rules of fishkeeping always apply. They are :- 1 inch (2.5 cm) of fish needs at least 1 gallon (3.5 ltrs) of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week.

Can you breed your goldfish in a ten gallon?

No. A 10 gallon tank is barely big enough to keep a single goldfish in.

Can a keep a couple of neon tetras in a 1.5 gallon tank or would that be too small of an area?

The rule of thumb is to keep no more than 1" of fish per gallon.