

Can you lay with your dog if she has worms?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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if ur not scared to get rabies

Unless the type of worms your dog has is zoonotic and can be spread even just by contact with your skin (e.g. hookworm), you should be fine as long as you don't do anything gross or stupid. That means no kissing or licking or whatever people do to their pets these days. If your dog has hookworm, and likes to play with feces, you might want to stay away (for that matter, you might not want to walk around barefoot for a while... and pick up any of her feces in a plastic bag even if you have been lax about it in the past). If your dog has roundworm, just don't eat her feces. If your dog has heartworm, then you're not in danger. If your dog has tapeworm, then not licking her bum will help. Basically, you aren't in danger so long as what your dog has can't be spread through skin contact, and you wash your hands (to take care of any zoonotic worms that might be spread through ingestion of fecal matter, though I certainly hope you would notice something like that on your hands). Whipworm infection in humans is rare, but picking up her turds in a plastic bag as opposed to eating them will remove pretty much any chance of that, and greatly reduce the risk that she reinfects herself by the ingestion of her own fecal matter. Of all these, you really can't leave her feces just lying there if she has whipworm, since unlike hookworm and roundworm, their eggs survive long after the fecal matter they were passed on has dried up. They can contaminate the soil and the water, and they will just sit there and wait. There is no way to kill the whipworm during this stage of their life cycle (and they will remain as eggs until ingested), so once they are there, there's nothing left to do but avoid that area (which is essentially contaminated). The only other option would be to pretty much dig up your yard.

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