

Can you leave at age 17 in florida?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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Only with parental permission. The legal age is 18.

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8h ago

In Florida, you can legally leave home at age 18. However, there are exceptions for emancipated minors or those who are legally married. It's important to consider the potential legal and practical implications of leaving home before reaching the age of majority.

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No, they need permission. The age of majority in Florida is 18. Until then you are the responsibility of your parents. They determine where you live and much of what you can do.

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Can you leave home at 17 without parent consent in florida?

No you have to be 18+

Can you legally leave home when you are 17?

In most states in the US, the legal age of emancipation is 18. However, some states allow minors to leave home with parental consent or under certain circumstances like being in danger at home. It is advisable to check the specific laws in your state or seek legal advice.

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No, at the age of 17 you can leave Texas for California and not be considered a runaway. However, if you have not graduated school at the age of 17 and do not enroll in another state you can get in trouble.

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She was 17.

Can you move out of your parents' house at 17 without permission in Florida?

Your parents are responsible for you until you reach the age of majority. Which means they decide where you live. In Florida that is the age of 17 With out Parents Permission

What is the legal age for a minor to leave home in Florida?

When they are no longer a minor. Which would be when they turn 18 in Florida.