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Yes, you can, but be sometimes the babies can become soley dependant on their mother and never learn or do things that other bunnies do when they've been separated, so it's best not to.

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Q: Can you leave the bunnies longer with the mother more than 8 weeks?
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When do bunnies come out of there nests?

They will have and leave them to go feed in holes in the ground called borrows.

When can you take the mother away from the kits?

After you have been weaning the bunnies away from the mother and they are eating bunny food at 8 weeks or 2 months

What do I do when there is wild baby bunnies that are almost able to open their eyes and they are in my backyard after my mom pulled out a weed and discovered baby bunnies?

MUST READ!!!!!Well what you should do is not touch the babies or feed them. Leave them bee and keep an eye out for the mother bunny. Check for movement, if the bunnies are moving then leave them, if there not then remove a tiny piece of the stuff covering them and check.Check them daily.If the mother rabbit has not been in sight for about 2 weeks or so then call an animal shelter for instructions on what to do.But remember this, the mother might be visiting the bunnies only at night or when the coast is clear.Be very careful and if u touch the bunnies before u know if the mom is still living then your human smell will get on them and the mother will be forced to kill them.Take care and plz don't touch them! PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!(please)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When they are 12 weeks of age. A responsible breeder will not give up his or her puppies until they are 12 weeks old. When they reach that age, they will no longer have to feed from their mother.

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It takes about 3 weeks for them to hatch and leave.

When can lop eared rabbits leave their mother?

Rabbits in general can leave their mother after the age of 8 weeks old.

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It is best not take puppies away from their mother at too young an age, the longer they can stay with her, the better. The earliest recommended age at which puppies may be removed from their mother is 8 weeks, definitely no earlier than that, but 12 weeks is even better.

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it can leave 6-8 weeks

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At about 5-6 weeks, you can take them away from their mother and sell them. I wouldn't leave them any longer then that or they can start breeding with each other.

How old penguins have to be to leave there mother?

10 to 12 weeks

How old is a pug before it's OK to leave its mother?

Pups should be weaned at 6 to 8 weeks old to leave their mother.

When do bunnies leave mom?

AnswerBunnies should be with their mother for 3-4 months because I hade a rabbit that wasn't with her mother that long and she was smaller than she was supposed to be for her kind of breed. Actually if the babies stayed with mom that long, she and they would all be pregnant! It's best to wean the babies at eight WEEKS, though some people wean as early as six weeks.