

Best Answer

That sounds like a question for HSLDA. Since you're a teen, why don't you take the bull by the horns and homeschool yourself? We found this book very helpful: "The Teenage Liberation Handbook". Get it from your local library and read it. Stay at home where you belong unless you're being abused. Good for them that they refuse to put you in the public school. For more encouragement see:

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Q: Can you leave your parents home in Wisconsin at 17 if you are educationally neglected in homeschooling and they refuse to put you in public school?
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Do people like homeschooling?

My parents started homeschooling me when I was in third grade. I loved it!

What do you mean by homeschooling parents?

parents that teach their own kids at home

Does homeschooling teach discipline?

Because homeschooling is between the parents and the children, discipline is enforced by the parents. It is wrong to ask whether homeschooling teaches discipline, because that depends on the parents. Some parents prefer to have regimented school days, others prefer a more relaxed style of teaching and learning.

does homeschooling go by the same laws in reguards to child support?

The child support laws are the same for parents who are homeschooling.

When homeschooling are all parents qualified to teach?

You would have to check your individual state's requirements. Google your state and homeschooling laws.

Do you have to go to college to homeschool your child?

Most states in America don't require parents of homeschoolers to be college educated. The vast majority of homeschooling parents, whether they are college educated or not, give their children a sound education. But there are some parents who neglect their children. To ensure that homeschoolers get a proper education, some states require them to be evaluated annually. Even in states such as Alabama where homeschooling is illegal, many parents are homeschooling their kids through a loophole called the church school option. And some of the parents there are not college educated. Homeschooling laws vary from country to country. Homeschooling is illegal in some countries, such as Germany. In other countries like Malaysia, there are no homeschooling laws at all and homeschooling parents are educating their children in total freedom. So it all depends on the country and state you come from.

Can parents apply homeschooling at home correctly? Here.

When homeschooling started?

Homeschooling is the original form of schooling. Before schools were organized institutions, parents would teach their children at home.

Is Ed-head a good website?

Ed Head Is A Good Website For Educationally Students/Parents

How much does homeschooling pay?

Homeschooling is not a paying job. Parents who don't like public education and aren't satisfied with the local private schools have the option of homeschooling their kids in some states. If you're talking about teaching other people's kids in their homes, then you are talking about tutoring, not homeschooling.

How do you use neglected in a sentence?

"I was being neglectful by not feeding my cat on time"