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Yes. The clothing you make isn't copyrighted - only the pattern you bought is.

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Q: Can you legally make an item using store bought sewing patterns and sell items made out of them?
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Can you sew Disney embroidery designs onto items and sell them?

not legally no.

What was the order that light bulbs microwave oven air conditioning bifocals and sewing machaine come in order?

The order these items were invented is this: bifocals - 1760 sewing machine - 1830 Light bulb - 1879 Air conditioning - 1902 microwave oven - 1945

What if your grandma has a Kenton Number 1 sewing machine that has an attached cabinet it has the original key foot petal and old sewing items with it you are trying to find any info on it Thanks?

Were you able to find any information on your Kenton? I've ran into the exact problem and have not been able to find anyone to help me

What is the purpose of the sewing machine?

The sewing machine greatly assisted our economy and affects our daily lives. The clothes we wear today were produced by a type of sewing machine. The sewing machine made making fabric easier and faster than having it hand made. If the sewing machine were not invented, we would not be wearing nice or sufficient clothes. The sewing machine was brought up during the Industrial Revolution.

Why should you tie your hair back when using a sewing machine?

It sounds like a personal security concern. If your hair is long enough to tie up while doing work it is like many things that can be pulled into or tangled on what is being sewed and become a dangerous situation for the operator of the sewing machine. Besides hair things such as ties, worn chains and other items can present dangers as well as ones hair..

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What items can one purchase on a credit card?

Pretty much anything which can be legally bought.

Can you legally take personal items from your 17 yr old daughter even if she bought those items herself?

depends on the items or things you take

What does craft and sewing teach you?

Generally, these skills with teach you how to work with your hands. As well, to read patterns, construct items from cloth and tailor clothing to fit.

What is legally mine when you move out of your parents house?

Anything that you bought with your own money. (This includes items bought with spending money). Or anything given as a gift from other people.

Where can one find information about sewing kits?

One can find information about sewing kits online. There are many websites that will show what items are needed to build a kit; They can be bought pre-built at Amazon or any art and craft store.

Is it theft to not return items to ex?

If they are the ex's exclusive items (such as a personal piece of jewelry given by a family member or bought by that person before you were together), then yes. If you are referring to items bought together for your mutual use as a couple, then it becomes a grey area because they legally belong to the both of you.

What exactly is Amy Butler Design?

Amy Butler Design is a company that sells many different items used for crafts, as well as items for the home, such as rugs. They also sell some fashion and give away free sewing and craft patterns.

Can a parent take something that a child bought?

Legally, if the child bought the item with their own money, the parent should not take it without the child's permission. It is important for parents and children to communicate and come to an agreement on items purchased by the child.

What do you call someone who sells sewing items?

Someone who sells sewing items might be a seamstress, a needlworker, dressmaker, couturier, garment maker, sewist, artisan, craft-maker, or vendor.

How did the sewing machine helped Americans?

Before the sewing machine was invented, sewn items were made by hand. Hand sewing is a very time-consuming project. With the invention of the sewing machine, less time had to be spent making these items and people could spend their time doing more things to benefit society.

What is the shop which sells draperies and small sewing items?

Calico and Ivy

Steve and Sara brought a total of 14 items at the grocery store Sara bought two more than twice the number of items that Steve bought How many items did each buy?

sara bought 30 items