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It is not so much the fat calories as the type of fats you eat. Cut out the solid fats (transfats, saturated fats) and keep the ones that are good for you, such as olive oil, that in avocados and so on. You need some fat in your diet.

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Q: Can you lose fat by cutting fat calories?
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Cutting 600 calories a day how much will you lose?

About a pound every 6 days. Just by cutting calories. A pound of body fat equals 3500 calories. 3500 divided by 6 equals 5.83333. I rounded it up to 6 days. If you're working out, etc., then expect to lose more. Hope this helps!

How many calories are in one pound?

Calories in one poundThere are 3500 calories in a pound of human body fat (enough to survive two or three days). If you wish to lose body fat, you need to burn or lose 3500 calories to lose one pound.

How many calories less a day do you need to consume to lose one pound in a week?

A pound of fat is generally around 3500 calories, so to lose a pound of fat a week you would need to lose 500 calories a day

Will a diet make me lose body fat even if I don't exercise?

To a degree, dieting will cause you to lose body fat. Your body is used to a certain number of calories every day, and cutting those calories results in your metabolism slowing and your body perceiving itself to be in a starvation situation. When that happens, your body starts burning muscle instead of fat. That's why dieting has to be sensible and accompanied by exercise to keep your metabolism burning calories as it should.

How you can reduce your weight 10 kg in one month with out exercise?

you can always reduce your weight by reducing the amount of calories and fat intake in your daily diet. by cutting back on sweets and oil/fat your should be able to lose some body fat.

How do you lose weight and not muscle?

Continue to work out while cutting back on calories.

How many calories to burn to lose a pound?

If you want to lose a pound of fat and not water weight, it takes 3500 calories. So it takes 7 days of having a 500 calorie deficit to lose a pound of fat.

How many calories should you cut a week to lose a pound?

There are 3500 calories in one pound. Cutting 500 calories a day would make you lose one pound each week.

What equation determines whether you gain or lose fat?

calories burned- calorie intake positive number = lose fat negative number = gain fat

What will lose more weight less calories less carbs or less fat?

less fat

Is there a way I can lose belly fat?

Sorry to hear about your recent weight gain, but there are a few things you could do to lose belly fat. Try cutting back on your sugar and salt intake. Then start a workout regime to start burning calories. This should start you on your goal to healthy weight loss.

Can you lose weight only eating the hamburger not the bun?

Yes, you will lose a bit of calories and fat from not eating the bun as it is all carbs and fat