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While intense exercise will take off the weight, especially moderate to intense cardio, a healthy diet used in conjuction to the exercise would help them drop the pounds even faster. If there is absolutely no getting them to eat less (we all know how stubborn some guys are); intensive cardio exercise, given that they're healthy enough to jump into that activity level, is a very effective way to drop the pounds. In order to keep the pounds off however, strength training exercises, along with a general diet reduction will allow a great body without anywhere near the upkeep that would be required from a bad diet and sedentary lifestyle.

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Q: Can you lose weight fast with boot camp drills?
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You will have to use Boot Camp or if your computer is fast enough, you can use a virtualization software, such as VirtualBox, VMware Fusion, or Parallels. Any alternative like WINE or Crossover will not work. Alternatively, you can use a 3ds Max alternative Maya which is also made by Autodesk.

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You can drink protien shakes that are very helpful to gain weight.

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Some examples of fast weight loss diets would be groups such as Weighth Watchers, Jenny Craig, Herbal Magic, etc. There is a cabbage soup diet that works fast. Keeping the weight off requires keeping with the programs. Remember----fast on.