

Can you lose weight in 5 months if you exercise?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Of course you can. P90x is popular nowadays. Look into it or just do basic cardio & Strength workouts.

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Q: Can you lose weight in 5 months if you exercise?
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How much weight will I loose in a 5 day fast I am 5 feet 1 in. and weigh 150 lb. How much weight would I loose if I didn't eat anything but drink water in 5 days?

If you stop eating, your body will go into "survivor mode" & will start to shutdown & you will not lose any weight. Weight lose needs to be done safely over a reasonable period of time ( months ). A proper diet & exercise is the best way to lose weight. You will not see a significant lose in just 5 days.

How do I lose 50 pounds in 5 months?

It's possible to lose 50 pounds in 5 months if you follow a strict diet, drink a lot of water and exercise daily. Good luck. You can do this.

How can you lose weight in 2 months by only exercising once a week?

You would have to be dieitng and limiting your calories and eating very healthily, and then it also depends on the exercise. If the exercise is barely 30 minutes that one day a week, you won't really lose much weight. The best way to lose weight is to exercise 4 to 5 times a week for about an hour or so each time.

How long do you starve yourself till you lose 5 pounds?

You should never starve yourself to lose weight, this is very dangerous. A well balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

How long doe it take to lose 50 pounds?

To permanently lose 50 pounds - it'll take you around 5-to-8 months if you go on a proper diet & exercise and the more overweight you are... The quicker you'll lose 50 pounds. For example a 300 pound person will lose 50 pounds in maybe 3-5 months because there bodies (because of excess weight) burn more calories than a person at a low weight and... It may actually take a 200 pound person 5-8 months to lose 50 pounds Exercsie is also a factor - The more intenser and longer you exercise = the faster you'll lose 50 pounds

How can you lose 5 pounds in a week if you dont exercise?

5 pounds/week is too steep to be recommended, that loss rate isn't healthy. And the big thing to losing weight isn't in exercise, but in eating sensibly. Not many people are fit enough or have time enough to be able to lose any significant weight solely through exercise.

What is the maximun amount of water weight a person can lose?

With prolonged exercise in the heat, it is possible to lose over 5 liters of water. That's about 10 pounds.

Can you lose weight taking betablockers?

I have been taking bisprolol (2.5mg) every day for 18 months after my heart attack. I immediately began to put on weight but have lost 20lbs in 5 months with a combination of diet and exercise. I have a very low dose so maybe I'd find it more difficult if the dose were higher.

How do you loose a good amount of weight in a healthy manor?

Exercise and eat healthy no junk food!!! But seriosly take the exercise slow and you will lose weight gradually its a lot easier to lose weight when you have group support so its better to do it with one friend or 5 friends what ever you feel more comfortable with

How can you lose 65 pounds in 5 to 6 months and look good?

Diet and exercise. You have to want it bad enough to actually work for it.