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If you win salvation once, but then backslide in idol worship and loose your faith in god, you very well can loose your salvation.

This is a highly debated topic, but all evidence suggests that you can't. First off, to know if you can lose something you need to understand what that something is. Salvation is not earned by doing good works. To earn salvation through works you would have to be perfect, which we both know is impossible. Since God is merciful He decided to give us salvation as a free gift. Ephesians 2:8-9says, "For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith- and this not of yourselves, it is a gift from God- not by works, so that no one can boast." Now don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean everyone is saved, one has to accept the gift by truley believing that God is all powerful and that He sent His son to die for our sins; and then that son, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead. Romans 10:9 says "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." God does not decide that this person will be saved but that person won't, He lets us choose for oursleves; though He does know what we will choose. Now that we have established what salvation is and how it is obtained, I'll tell you why it is not possible to lose your salvation. As I said, salvation is a gift, and if God gives it to you, it's yours forever. It's not like some person can take something that God himself gave you, and considering God loves you enough to die for you (John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.") it is obvious that He won't do something like taking back a gift, which by definition is yours to keep. I have one more reason that I believe this. Everyone has hard times in their life when they begin to question the order of things, question the existence, question their reason to live. The absolute worst moment of my life was that one night a couple years ago that I remember so clearly.... I was angry at God and I didn't know what to do. I did not question His existence, I've seen how He affects things just as I see how leaves blow in the breeze, and I knew that He was real. I did not for a second question His existence, but that night I did question what I had previously come to believe about Him. I wondered if maybe He wasn't really good; I mean, if He's God then He decides what is right and what is wrong, so whose to say that He doesn't mess with us and break His own rules (I no longer believe this, and hopefully you'll see why in a moment). I was in a bad spot: I believed in God, but, though it pains me beyond belief to say it, I hated Him. I knew I didn't want to follow Satan, so I was really stuck. I decided that I no longer wanted to be a Christian, and I thought I may be able to undo that the same way I became a Christian. I decided to say, out loud and with my whole heart and soul in it, that I denounced God as my Saviour and Lord. Now, everything I've told you up to here can be debated, but what I'm about to tell you is something many of you won't believe, but you can't tell me it never happened, because I experienced it myself. I opened my mouth to denounce God verbaly, but I couldn't. You're probably thinking I mean that metaphorically, that I couldn't find the willpower; you're wrong. I was physically incapable of saying it! I tried to say, "God, you are no longer my God or Savior; I denounce my faith and refuse to follow you." But I couldn't say it. I couldn't verbally speak any of it. I could talk fine and everything, I had seconds before and I did seconds afterwards, but I was physically incapable of denouncing my faith. It is for this reason that I am confident in our salvation's permanance. I won't go into what happened after that, but I came back to God. You may be physically capable of saying, "that's not true," but the words have no meaning, because I know that they are. You might claim that it was all in my head, and that God isn't even real; but I have personally seen Him. Yes, I have literally seen Him, I have litterally felt His touch, and I have heard His voice (well, considering the way it reverberated through my entire body but no where else, feel may be a better description). If I told you that someone you have seen, touched, heard in a very physical way, someone you've loved more and differently than a family member, friend, or lover, would you believe me? In the same way you absolutly cannot tell me that God is not real, or that this did not happen. If you have any questions or there is something you're unclear on, feel free to send me a message.

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Q: Can you lose your salvation
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No. There is no way to loose your salvation. Of course, this assurance is based on the assumption that you 'had' salvation in the first place.

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Yes they do; the Southern Baptists do not believe you can loose your salvation.

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No, in most religions it is believed that one cannot lose their salvation. If someone is saved and sins it is believed that the sinner must repent and ask forgiveness for their transgressions in order to maintain their salvation and their place in heaven.

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The concept of salvation does not appear in the Old Testament; it is introduced in the New Testament. We are told that it is bad to disobey God, but nothing in the story of King Saul suggests that this would have caused him to lose his salvation. The whole issue of how people get saved if they lived and died at an earlier historical period than that of Jesus Christ is somewhat complicated and has involved the concept of purgatory, where the soul of King Saul presumably was sent, pending his salvation.

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Yes the Church of God does believe that a person can lose their salvation if they turn back to the ways of this world. The Bible says that a man taking hold of the plow if he looks back is not fit. The good news is if we fall we have an advocate with the Father who is Jesus Christ and if we will ask for forgiveness and truly mean it God will forgive us and restore us.

What are the models of salvation?

Salvation can take different forms:Muslims believe that salvation is achieved through submission (Islam in Arabic) to the one and only one God, the Creator, with no partner, no associate, no son, no companion, and no resemblance. This is the mission of all God prophets since start of mankind, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace upon them all). This is achieved through following God Commands and Teachings of God prophets. however, some Christians believe that salvation is achieved through salvation to Jesus the Christ. Muslims believe that salvation is devoted only to God the Creator with no partner or son or associate.Another form of salvation is the salvation of one to another one. Historically, as the salvation of Africans by some whites who purchased or kidnapped them and forced them to be transported to America and Europe for slave work with no human rights. Historically also is women salvation by Arabs, before Islam era, for satisfying their sexual desires or for prostitution.Salvation could be also from you to your lover who you love to the extreme that you lose your own will to your lover and you do only what imposed on you by him/her.Salvation could be also to your desires when you lose your own will just to satisfy these desires, as love of money, love of fame, love of sex, love alcohols, etc.Salvation could be also to your work, in absence of human rights, fearing to lose your source of earning money for living.

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If you lose a lot of blood, you could become anemic and if you lose too much blood, you could physically die. You are born with a spiritual life, which is your soul that will live on in eternity and a physical life, which is the life of your body. Your soul can be re-born to life in Heaven for eternity if you have salvation, forgive, don't judge, and don't condemn. It is up to you if you want to accept Christ and salvation right now in prayer.

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The Salvation Army's website refers to itself as "The Salvation Army" or the full name is "National Salvation Army."