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Q: Can you make a frozen mudslide without ice cream?
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How do you make ice cream without ice or cream?

You can make any number of frozen treats without cream. But considering that whatever you use will be frozen and consist of ice crystals, you can't do that. Fruit juice, fruit puree and other liquids can be frozen in the freezer.

Does ice cream makers make frozen yogurt?

no it doesnt

How Coffee cake should be served?

you have to make it an frozen coffee i cream cake.

Can you make ice cream with Silk or generic soymilk?

It would not meet the standard of identity for ice cream, but you probably could make a frozen dessert with it.

How do you make homemade strawberry ice cream?

Cream or milk, vanilla flavoring, stawberries. Put the mixture in a ice cream mixer and blend until frozen.

Can you make whipped cream without cream?

no Use in place of one cup of heavy cream.

How do you make ice cream without double cream?

Its The Only Way Single Cream Is Too Milky

Is Frozen Yogurt the same thing as Ice Cream?

Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream are 2 totally different things. What it basically comes down to is that ice cream is way more fattening and has no yogurt at all in it. Frozen Yogurt is literally just yogurt that's frozen.

Why does dry ice make good ice cream?

Because you aren't going to eat frozen ice. Are you? :)

How do you make a milkshake without milk?

If you have some fresh or frozen fruit, throw it in the blender with some milk, sugar, and (if fresh) ice and blend it all up. It will have the consistency of ice cream.

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What is the easiest and nicest smoothie to make?

banana milk frozen yogurt/your choice of ice cream your choice crushed ice maybe on top so whipped cream DO NOT BLEND WHIPPED CREAM IN