Yes it is called French Eggs and it is a delicacy here in the United States of America. Actually, Rochesterians (where I am from) make this dish frequently when they are having company over for breakfast dinner. Just make sure you spice it up right! LOTS OF CINNAMON . Your very welcome btw for this answer. Goodbye enjoy your french eggs.
Yes, that is how I learned to make it.
No, you need bread too...
mmmmmmmmmm.... yeah, I make french toast with all kinds of bread. Thick, thin, and breads with pockets in them for fruit fillings are the best. It doesn't really matter what kind of bread it is though. It's how you cook it and what you will serve it with.
toast it in the toaster :) i guess :)
In France: Pain grilléIn Canada: Pain doréPain grille is simply 'toast'. Un pain grille is 'a piece of toast'.Pain perdu is equivalent to what Americans call French toast. It differs in that it may be baked, like a cake. The name 'pain perdu' means 'lost bread'. That's because it's a way to make use of stale bread.
Electricity heats up wires in the toaster, you put bread in, push the lever down and the bread is pressed against the wire. The high temperature of the wires toast the bread and when a specified length of time is up the toast pops up and wallah, toast! If you are asking why the bread gets toasted, sugars in the bread are caramelized by the heat.
A good french toast recipe is putting a quarter of all purpose flour in a large bowl. Then, add 1 cup milk to the bowl and mix. Slowly add a teaspoon of vanilla. Then, soak a bread piece with the mixture back and front. Then, fry on medium heal. You can add strawberries to the mix to make strawberry french toast. To make a caramel apple french toast, add caramel to the flour and milk mixture.Then, place the bread in the mix. Fry it and serve with apples on the side.
The family fued answers are: Cake Pancakes Cookies French toast Bread W 2
There are not microwave toaster oven that can make toast. Toast comes from bread, flour and water. You have to mix those three ingredients together, and then allow the dough to rise, and then bake it, in order to make bread for toast.
Yes, toast is typically dipped in an egg mixture and then pan-fried to make French toast.
No, you can only toast bread.You can in theory if you partly toast bread then toast it again at a later period, then you would be toasting toast, as the first toasting changes the bread. toasting a full toasted toast would make it burn and possibly start on fire.