

Can you make jam out of poke berries?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Can you make jam out of poke berries?
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No. Deer and birds eat them, and some people make jam out of the berries.

How do you make high level poke blocks in Pokemon sapphire?

You need to use high level berries. yh what kind of berries list them!!!!!!! from here :

In emerald what are berries for?

Berries are for making poke blocks of for crushing if you want to make poke bloks you go to the contest house in lilly cove if you want to crush them you go upstairs and talk to the middle lady for that you will need a wirless connection.

Can you eat poke berries?

No, but you can feed them to your Pokemon.

Where do you get poke blocks on Pokemon diamond?

There is no poke blocks in sinnoh it is called poffins and to make them you need to go to hearthome city and have some berries with you as well and find the house that helps you make poffins.

Where to get poke accessories?

You can exchange them for berries in flamora town

What to do if poke berries are eaten?

you should call poison control ASAP! poke berry seeds are poisonous!

What do you do to make jam?

1st, you buy berries 2nd, you mash them up 3rd, you add sugar, and put them in a jar

How do you get poke blocks in Pokemon?

In emerald you get them in the contest hall by making them with berries.

What are Six verbs that begin with j?

jump jog juggle jump rope jam jump...jam (dance)...joke (to make a joke)...juggle..jerk (quick movements...jerking around) ...jab (pinch, poke)

How is jam a sustainable resource?

You can make more once you run out. Since it comes from fruits or berries, which are renewable resources and can be regrown (sustained) it means that jam is a sustainable resource because the required materials to produce it will always be available.

What tooth faries drink?

berries,acorns,strawberry jam toast honey