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There is no need to. Baking powder has baking soda in it already. Baking powder is a mixture of cream of tartar and baking soda. Adding extra soda to it might make the bake good you are preparing come out with "unexpected" results. If a recipe actually calls for it, fine, but I have never seen one that calls for both.

If you don't have enough of one or the other for you recipe, you can mix them but if you're low on soda, the baked good may not rise as much. It's best to follow the amounts in the recipe since each one responds a little differently depending on the acid content of the batter.

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12y ago

We can use Soda with Baking powder in some recipes especially in Chocolate cookies or brownies where we are looking for alkaline taste in the end product. But the quantity of Soda will be much lower than Baking powder.

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What is the difference between cooking soda and baking soda?

There isn't one. Bread Soda is the Irish name for baking soda.

What are the effects if you replace baking soda with baking powder?

Baking soda does not rise as well as baking powder

Is baking soda a powder?

yes baking soda is a powder good question!

What are directions in using baking soda?

1 teaspoon of baking powder per cup of flour, mix it with a little warm water and then add to mix.

What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda when you cook brownies?

the ingredients of baking powder are baking soda and cream of tartar. So baking powder has less baking soda per amount.

Is baking powder the same thing as soda?

No. Baking powder contains baking soda along with an acidic ingredient and salts.See :

Can you substitue cake flour for baking mix?

Probably not. Baking mix has other ingredients such as baking soda/powder and dried milk or eggs. What type of baking mix is it and what are you making? If you're just battering something it will be fine, but if you're baking something, not so much.

What is the main difference between baking powder and baking soda?

Baking powder is baking soda with cream of tartar added to it.

What will rises more baking powder or baking soda?

baking soda

If receipe calls for baking mix what do you use?

If a recipe calls for baking mix, you can use a commercial pre-mixed baking product like Bisquick, or create your own by combining flour, baking powder, salt, and sometimes sugar. Just make sure the ratios match the recipe you are following.

Can you mix baking powder and yeast?

Yes it aids in the rising. When a recipe contains baking powder and baking soda, the baking powder does most of the leavening. The baking soda is added to neutralize the acids in the recipe plus to add tenderness and some leavening.