

Can you mix hens in same coup?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yes, they do fine together. they will establish a pecking order. birds should be kept in a flock, just as any herd animal should be kept as such.

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Q: Can you mix hens in same coup?
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it depends on several things. you must realte to the silkyness of the hens, as urself. by doing this. it allows you to gain to knowldege of the mixures it may be

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Yes, but you need to introduce them at night to reduce fighting. If you mix them during daylight hours you will have injured to dead chickens to tend to. At least an hour after sun down is when you want to mix them. However there will still be some hen pecking for a few weeks but if they have a lot of room to run around in then you shouldn't have any injuries.

If have several breeds of hens and one rooster will the eggs hatch mix breed hens and will the egg be healthy to eat?

An egg is an egg. Some will taste stronger than others but all will be good.

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Every single breed of hen (even mix) will sit on their eggs when they feel like they want chickens. One of the hens that brood alot are brahma hens.

What is the country of origin of the word coup as it is used in the phrase counting coup?

'Coup' is a French origin loan word into English, as I'd say you are aware since you classified the question in 'French to English'. While the word 'coup' in the phrase 'counting coup' is still the same loan word from French as is used in 'coup d'etat', for example, the phrase 'counting coup' is of English origin.

What is a rhode island red hens diet?

The same as other laying hens - layer feed, preferrably organic crumbles.

What do hens and roosters have in common?

They are chickens. different genders of the same species.

What do hens lay eggs best in?

Quiet, dark, well lined nesting boxes with one entrance so the hen can ward off other hens wishing to lay an egg in the same box at the same time. The hen needs to relax and lay her egg and while some hens will lay anywhere, most hens like to hide the egg from other members of the flock.

What is differant sex of doves?

Same as almost all birds; Hens and Roosters.

What is a chickens conservation?

Oh come on people,,, one rooster per every 15 hens is quite sufficient to fertilize your next spring out birth. After spring kick him out, if you think you can leave him and you see the rooster picks your hens to death, throw him out, and leave him on the outskirsts. Hens will lay, feathers will grow, and as long as you gave him springtime, you'll have chicks. Watch your brood hens and you can still gather eggs from the lonesome nests. Let your hens choose their laying field. Sometimes 2 hens take over the same eggs. Let them be. They will work it out, it's called survival. You'll find 2 hens taking care of the same growth, without any rivaltism. You'll have chicks that follow 2 brood hens with twice the coverage from the other hens. You have 11 eggs, 2 hens in interest, 6 eggs hatch, neither mother knows who is who and they defend these 6 chicks against the other 14 hens until one day all the hens look over the young. This is their survival.

How do you spell military coo?

It is Coup. As in coup d'etat.'état