

Can you move out at 17 in New York if you are pregnant?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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Legally no, pregnancy does not confer automatic emancipation to the female minor. However, authorities would not intervene unless the minor female's parents obtained a requisition order from the court to have her returned to their custody. Please be advised, that any adult who knowingly harbors a minor against the wishes of the minor's parents or legal guardian may be subject to criminal charges and/or civil action. Not too sure about the laws in New York, but I'm pretty sure that if you don't have parental consent and your not legally emancipated they can get the cops involved.

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Q: Can you move out at 17 in New York if you are pregnant?
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No, you are not emancipated automatically when you are pregnant in New York. It certainly does not show one has the ability to take care of yourself and/or a baby. You do have certain rights as to obtaining assistance for you and your child, but you are still the responsibility of your parents until you turn 18.

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Since New York doesn't have an emancipation statute, the answer is no.

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The age of emancipation in New York is eighteen years of age.

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The age of consent is 17 in NY so no.

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They can turn your room into a home cinema or sewing room.

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If the parents give you permission. Otherwise in New York you have to wait until you are an adult at 18.

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Yes you can move out at 17 in Missouri.

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nope. 17 is the age of consent in NYS. But you still need consent from the female.

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The age of majority in New York is 18. That is when you are an adult. Without their permission you cannot move out.

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It depends on what your parents say.

Can you move out at 17 if your pregnant without parents consent if you live in Kentucky?

don't get pregnant at that age?

Can a almost 17 year old move out without emancimation in New York State?

Not without the permission of their parents. Until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in New York, their parents determine where they live.