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With your parents' permission, yes, you can move out. And note that in most states you have to be at least 16 to get emancipated, if the state even allows it.

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Q: Can you move out at age 15 with a relative without emancipation process?
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If you move out who can you live with at 16?

If there is legitimate reason to move out, you can live with a relative. Or, depending on the state, file for early emancipation.

In Indiana can you move out at 17?

No, you cannot move out without your parents' permission. The legal age of majority in Indiana is 18. If you leave home without parental consent your parents can report you as a runaway. Indiana does allow a minor to petition for emancipation. You could try to get legally emancipated by a judge, but that will be a difficult process.

Can a girl who is turning eighteen move out of her parents' house without emancipation?


What is the age that a person can move out without their parents permission?

18, or 16 with emancipation.

Can you move out of your parents house at the age of 16 in the state of wyoming without parent consent and without emancipation?


How old do you have to be to move out without getting in trouble with the law in Georgia?

No your wrong its 18 but with an emancipation you can move out at age 16 or you can have a family member let you move in with your parents permission before getting an emancipation at age 16.

Could move out when im 15?

No, you have to be 18 to move out without your parents permission unless you seek emancipation but you have to be 16 for that.

Can a 17-year-old legally move out without parental consent or emancipation?

No, not legally.

Can a seventeen year old move out of his parents house in Colorado?

Without having received emancipation, no.

Can a sixteen year old with a child move out without their parents permission?

No. Pregnancy does not confer emancipation.

Is there a way that a 16 year old from Iowa could move out of their home without parental consent and without a lot of complications if they have an adult to move in with?

No there is not. A minor can not move out without parental consent, emancipation by the court or through marriage.

Can you move out at 17 without emancipation in Connecticut?

No, in Connecticut, individuals under the age of 18 are considered minors and cannot move out without parental permission or court-ordered emancipation. If you are 17 and seeking to live independently, it is advisable to explore legal options like emancipation to gain the ability to make decisions regarding housing and other matters.