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AnswerIn most states your parents are legally and financially responsible for you until 18 and you can't move out of state without their permission. You would be considered a runaway and could be arrested, and returned, if found by the police. Although, I 've got to tell you the police aren't going to look as hard for a 17-year-old as they are for a 7-year-old. The best thing to do is to convince your parents you're responsible enough to handle the move, and promise to stay in touch. Or, wait until you're 18.
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Q: Can you move out in Oklahoma at 17 if you have a job and a car and have graduated from school without parents consent?
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Can you move out at 16 legally without parents consent in the state of Oklahoma?

No you may not leave at 16 in Oklahoma. Until you are an adult, 18, you live where they say you live.

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{| |- | No a minor cannot get married in Oklahoma without the permission of the parents. Under the age of 18 requires parental consent or a court order. The license issuing entity can tell you what proof is required to get a marriage license. |}

When can a boy move out in Oklahoma without consent?

Once he reaches the age of majority. That would be 18 in most situations. Until then the parents decide where he lives.

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Can you move out of your parents' house without consent in Washington if you are under 16 and have a baby?

No, you will your parents' consent.

What is the legal age at which you can move out of parents house in Oklahoma?

You can be 6 months away from being 18 without a parents consent otherwise you have to be 18 which means you can move out if your almost 18 unless you have permission at 17

Can a 17 move out of his parents house without parent consent?

No you have to be 18 and graduated out of high school to be able to move out with out parental cosent because until then if your parents called the cops you could be in a butt load of trouble with the law...

Can you be emancipated at 16 without moms consent and can i get married before the emancipation without her consent in Oklahoma?

You cannot get married without her consent. You'll have to wait until you are 18. If you got married, you would be emancipated.

Can an almost eighteen year old move out of home without parental consent to another state?

No, but if they have graduated high school, they can go to college and move out of there parents, but of course they don't have to (unless there parents force them to.) But they are not adults, they cannot drink, take drugs, or they cannot get married without there parents perrmison.

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What age can you move out in the state of Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18 years old.