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People feel the need to take their own life because they may feel useless, ignored, alone, something may have happened to them (death of a friend/family member, accident, assult, bullying). It could be anything, even just a moment of bad stuff.
If you feel ignored, alone, like nobody cares then call a hotline. In Australia, kidshelpline is awesome. You won't be alone, or ignored. They can help you on decideding what to do next. It is all about you and you have control on everything on a hotline.
If something has happened to you and you feel like life isn't worth living then call a hotline. Talking about it not only makes the person feel better but also gives them a chance to think and choose the next step on getting better.
People commit suicide because there is no other option in life. But there is. You just have to look futher.
I hope everything is ok and I hopt this helps. Nobody should ever be in the position of suicide. Things do get worse before it gets better, but once it is better you can look back and see how far you have come to acheive this.
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Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Just ignore them, they just dont want to admit it to you, that they are jealous of you! xxxx Trust me xxxxxx

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