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Most women and many man with chlamydia have no symptoms at all. It is certainly possible to have chlamydia with only one symptom.

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Q: Can you only get one symptom of chlamydia?
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Yes; pain during urination is a symptom of chlamydia.

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Pelvic pain doesn't happen instantly upon becoming infected with chlamydia. It is a longer term symptom of the infection.

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If you have the symptoms, Get tested, something is not right.

Do hummingbirds get chlamydia?

No they do not. Only humans get chlamydia trachomatis. There are other chlamydia species that affect animals. Chlamydia psittaci is the chlamydia species that most often affects birds.

How many hosts does chlamydia have?

Chlamydia trachomatis has only the human host.

Can an HIV test detect chlamydia?

No, it's only detected by a chlamydia test.

Can you get chlamydia from sharing a washcloth?

Chlamydia can only live outside the body for minutes. You can't get it from sharing a sponge.

Can chlamydia cause vaginal burning?

Many men and some women experience burning with urination with chlamydia. Other problems can also cause this symptom. Burning with urination deserves an exam by a health care provider.

Can you make chlamydia yourself?

You can't develop chlamydia on your own. You can only get the bacteria from someone who has it.

If you just have one symptom does that mean you have swine flu?

No. Only if you have a temperature.

How often will you get chlamydia symptoms?

Half of men and only 10-20% of women get symptoms of chlamydia.

What is the only symptom of primary amenorrhea?

The only symptom of primary amenorrhea is delayed menstruation.