

Best Answer
  • If you have undiagnosed bipolar disorder, you can own a gun in any state in the US. The law is unaware of your Bipolar disorder, so to them you are an ordinary citizen. However if you are later diagnosed, any guns you own might be confiscated.
  • If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but never been hospitalized for it, you can own a gun in any state in the US. The law considers you no different than any other person.
  • If you have bipolar disorder and have only been hospitalized voluntarily for it, most states in the US allow you to own a gun. The law usually considers you no different than any other person. However its best to consult a lawyer or local law enforcement to be certain.
  • If you have bipolar disorder and have been hospitalized involuntarily (committed) for it but were neither a danger to yourself or others, some states in the US allow you to own a gun (California is one). The law differs widely from state to state. Always consult a lawyer or local law enforcement to be certain.
  • If you have bipolar disorder and have been hospitalized involuntarily (committed) for it and were either a danger to yourself or others, neither state nor federal law allow you to own a gun.
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Q: Can you own a gun in Oklahoma if you have bipolar disorder?
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Yes, more then a someone with our bipolar disorder but, anyone can misunderstand their own feellings.

Can bipolar 2 turn into bipolar 1?

Yes. If left untreated, bipolar 2 can easily turn into bipolar 1 or possibly even rapid cycling bipolar disorder. (Second User) Yes, even with treatment (although it is much less likely in such a case) bipolar two disorder can become bipolar one disorder. This would happen when the hypomanic episodes of Bipolar 2 become more severe and harmful manic episodes. This change has been known to most often happen after somebody has had the disorder for some time. To clarify the first answer: Rapid cycling can occur in any type of bipolar disorder. It is not really its own type of bipolar disorder, rather, it is a condition that can occur with a bipolar disorder. It refers to a person who experiences four or more bipolar mood swings in a year. This can also develop over time or be a part of the disorder from the start.

Can a person with bipolar own a gun?

If they have been adjudged mentally incompetent, no.

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bb gun

Can A Convicted Felon Own a 22 Caliber Rifle In Oklahoma?

Not legally. It's illegal for a felon to own a gun in any state.

what is the definition of suicide?

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Suicide is often committed out of despair, the cause of which is frequently attributed to a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism, or drug abuse.

Who can legally sell a gun privately in the state of Oklahoma?

A private citizen of Oklahoma can sell a firearm to another resident of Oklahoma. They may also sell to a dealer or collector in any state if they hold a Federal Firearms License. The sale cannot be to a person you believe is unable to own a gun.

What age limit is it to use a airsoft gun in Oklahoma?

Most states follow the Federal guidelines for Airsoft - You must be 18 or over to purchase and own an Airsoft gun. Persons under the age of 18 can only own an airsoft gun with parental consent.

Can a felon legally own a black powder gun in Oklahoma?

It depends on what the felony was, but in most cases, yes. This has to do with the second amendment.

Can an ex-felon legally own a black powder gun in Oklahoma?

It depends on what the felony was, but in most cases, yes. This has to do with the second amendment.


If a person has been held by a court to be mentally incompetent, ordered against their will into psychiatric treatment, found not guilty by reason off insanity, then they would be prohibited from owning a gun anywhere in the US.

Can a person with bipolar disorder injure a loved one?

If the person is prone to blaming all their angry feelings on their loved ones , then possibly, but most of the time bipolars are fixed on hurting their own skin, not others.