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Q: Can you pervent a tsunaim from affecting?
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What is tsunaim?

what is tsunami

What is pervention?



when an earthquake occurs where a slab of the ocean floors displaced uercally along a fault

Ways to pervent stunami?

make a fricken wall

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Why does playing sports pervent child obesity?

Biggest Loser?

How can you pervent your feet from growing?

Cut them in half and it starts to shrink

How do you pervent breast cancer?

go to the doctor alot and see what they say

How did literacy pervent freed slaves from voting?

They couldnt read properly

What can you do to pervent hurricans?

Nothing. A hurricane is part of weather and nobody can decide or change what the weather does or when.

How do you help pervent acne?

-Don't eat unhealthy food -Wash your face with soap -Wash your hair.

How can you pervent yourself from spraining your ankle?

Either use an ankle bracing or only walk on smooth surfaces.