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Yes it should be perfectly fine. Just be gentle and let your kitten nap because they are probably still a little drugged the day of.

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Q: Can you pick up your kitten after spaying?
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Can you pick up a kitten when its eyes just opened?

Yes. You can pick up a kitten before it opens its eyes for the first time, if the mother will allow you to.

Why does kitten cry when you pick him up?

It dose'nt like how you hold he/she.

What does spaying a kitten mean?

Spay is the Word used for removing the uterus and ovaries from pets to prevent them from breeding.Spaying is the word normally used for the surgical removal of the reproductive organs of a female animal.

Do you pick up an adult cat by its shoulder skin?

No, and you should not pick up a kitten that way either. Always support their weight from underneath.

What if your kitten has just been spayed and wants to climb when can she do that?

Check with your vet. It is best to try and refrain a kitten from climbing until after they take out the stitches a week or two after spaying.

Why does your male kitten have a flabby bit?

If you mean around their neck its because that where there mums pick them up when they are little.

At what age or weight do you spay a kitten?

Most vets will spay a kitten when it reaches two kilograms in weight, or between four to five months. However, more vets will now spay a kitten much earlier as long as the kitten is healthy.

Can you carry a newborn kitten?

Well, it all depends on how new this newborn kitten is. If you're talking about just being born a few seconds ago, the answer is NO. A mother cat licks her newborn kitten to get it to start breathing. If you pick up a newborn kitten that's only a few minutes old, you're basically killing it. If the kitten is a few hours or a couple of days old, go ahead and pick it up, that is if you can. A mother cat is very defensive of her kittens. you may get scratched or bitten in the process.

What happens if your kitten has a boated belly cuz like wen i pick him up or whatever he always tutes lil but my vet didnt think their was anything wrong?

If your kitten has a boated belly take it to a vet ASAP.

How much is it to fix a male kitten?

---- NEUTERING AND SPAYING YOUR CAT cut and paste link below to find the answer, has detailed pictures

Your dogs bark and chase your kitten what should you do?

Its just like traning..Once your dog starts chasing your kitten pick up your dog or grab it by its collar and get the dogs attention and say NO..No..NO and make it look at you and keep this repetition until once you dog sees the kitten he Will stop,

Is spaying and desexing your dog the same thing?

yes it is. Spaying is done to females and castrating is done to males. spaying refers to tying the tubes up and castrating is removing the testicles. So after either operation the dog has been desexed.