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Things in the ocean :

  • A algae, anemone,abalone
  • B beaver, bathysphere
  • C coral, clown fish
  • D divers, dolphins
  • E eels , elephant seals
  • F fish,
  • G goldfish
  • H Hammerhead shark
  • I icebergs
  • J jellyfish
  • K killer whales, krill,
  • L leoparfd seals, lion fish,
  • M mollusks, mantas, marine biologists
  • N nautilus, Narwhals
  • O octopus
  • P porpoise, penguins
  • Q
  • R rocks,
  • S starfish, shells, sharks, shipwrecks, seawater, squid, stonefish, sponges
  • T tarpons, tangs , tuna
  • U urchins
  • V
  • W whales,
  • X
  • Y yellow submarine , yellowfin tuna
  • Z zooplankton
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14y ago
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15y ago

* Alewife * Anchovy * Angelfish * Angler = B = * Barbel * Bass * Blowfish * Bluegill * Bream * Bullhead = C = * Carp * Catfish * Chub * Clownfish * Cod = E = * Eel = F = * Flounder = G = * Gar * Grunion * Guppy * Gurnard = H = * Haddock * Hagfish * Hake * Halibut * Hammerhead * Herring = L = * Lamprey * Ling = M = * Mackerel * Mako * Marlin * Mullet * Mummichog * Muskellunge = N = * Needlefish = P = * Pickerel * Pike * Piranha * Plaice * Pollack * Puffer = R = * Roach * Rudd = S = * Sailfish * Salmon * Sardine * Sawfish * Shad * Shiner * Sild * Silverside * Spot * Sprat * Stickleback * Sunfish = T = * Tench * Tigerfish * Trout * Tuna = W = * Whitebait * Wrasse =


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15y ago

A for Anchovy

B for Bass

C for Carp

D for Dogfish

E for Eel

F for Freshwater FLying Fish

G for Great White Shark

H for Haddock

I for Indian Mullet

J for Jellyfish

K for Konga Eel

L for Lungfish

M for Mackerel

N for Noodlefish

O for Ocean Sunfish

P for Pike

Q for Quillback

R for Rudderfish

S for Salmon

T for Trout

U for Upside-down Catfish

V for Viperfish

W for Whale

Y for Yellowtail Horse-Mackerel

Z for Zebra shark

Next time you're spelling something out to someone on the phone, use this! Every time I use it, it never fails to generate a giggle.

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15y ago

Types of Fish beginning and ending with the same letter: * Blue Dolphin Barb * Red Terror * Australian Pearl Arowana * Asian Arowana * Black Spot Barb * Armored Bill Tetra * Black Ruby Barb * Trout * Aba Aba * Roan Oak Hog Sucker * Arwana * African Bass Tetra * African Moon Tetra * Banded Barb * Ahl's Rummy Nose Tetra * Horsefaced Loach * Red Hook Silver Dollar * Red Hump Eartheater

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11y ago

· Alaskan Salmon

· Barracuda

· Carp

· Devil Ray fish

· Electric Eel

· Flounder

· Great White Shark

· Halibut

· Icefish

· Jewelfish

· Kingfish

· Largemouth Bass

· Marlin

· Northern Pike

· Orange Roughy

· Piranha

· Quillfish

· Rainbow Trout

· Sea Bass

· Tilapia

· Unicorn Fish

· Viperfish

· Walleye

· X-ray Tetra

· Yellowfin Pike

· Zebra Shark

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9y ago

Some fish that have five letters include:

- Guppy

- Perch

- Shark

- Trout

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