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It seems quite small, don't you think a bigger tank would be better?

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Q: Can you put 4 black moors goldfish in your 5gallon tank?
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Do black moors like to live in groups?

Not particularly. Black Moors are Goldfish. They are not schooling fish. Each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water so if you want to keep a few of them you will need a large tank.

Can you put my black moors in the same tank with betta females?

I wouldn't recommend it for a few reasons. Firstly, goldfish get huge - up to 12 inches long. Any tank large enough to accommodate several fully grown black moors is going to dwarf your female bettas. Secondly, some female bettas nip at the flowing fins of other fish, and may hurt your black moors. Thirdly, black moors prefer their water several degrees cooler than bettas. If you want to try this anyway, make sure the tank is very large and some hiding places have been provided for the fish. Keep the water at about 25C, which is tolerable for both species (although higher than the ideal temperature for goldfish, and lower than the ideal temperature for bettas.) Keep a very close eye on your black moors for any signs of fin damage, because you might need to move them.

Can you Place a Black Moor Fish In a 5 Gallon Tank?

Well yes, you can but only if it is little,, because I have two a big one and a little one. The smaller one is in a five gallon tank but eventually they get big so they will need to be moved into a bigger tank, but if you have a small one then it should be fine for the time being.

Can someone give me an estimate of how long a black moor goldfish would live in a bowl?

It's cruel to keep any type of fish in a goldfish bowl . So don't even try please . Fish that can live with Moors. Guppies (only if there is a heater in the tank) Common goldfish or shubinkin . And any other cold water fish and livebears

How did your black moor goldfish die?

my blackmoor goldfish just sits at the bottom of the tank and does nothing is he dieing or just likes sleeping alot?

Can a Black moor goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank?

Yes, you can have one goldfish in a 20 gallon tank, but no other tank mates, not even a snail.You still need to make sure you have a filter, and that you do regular weekly water changes as goldfish produce a high amount of waste.

How big can a black moor goldfish get?

They get to about 4 inches but have been reported to grow up to 10 inches.8-10 inches long depending on how big the tank is.For all types of fancy goldfish, (yes, black moors are classed as fancy goldfish!) 20 us gallons (75 litres) for the first fish, and 10 us gallons (about 37 litres) per additional fish (for example, if I wanted two fancy goldfish, I would need a at least a thirty US gallon (120 litre) tank if I wanted the two fish to reach their potential size and life span. if you use a smaller tank it stunts their growth and they tend to not live as long. if given proper care and an adequate tank size, they get to 10 inches they can live for 25 years.

Where can you buy black or white goldfish for your tank?

You can pick them up at about any pet store that sells goldfish. We have a white one we picked up at Wal-Mart and a black one from Petco.

Can goldfish eggs be black?

Goldfish eggs should be clear with a small dot in the middle if they are fertilized. If the egg is entirely black if may be growing fungus or mold and should be removed from the tank.

Can fresh water mussels live in goldfish tank with goldfish in the tank?


What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.

How many quarts of water needed to replace an 5 gallon fish tank?

5 milk jugs becase a 5gallon tank is five1 gallon milk jug