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It depends, bettas are uaually known for being aggresive to eachother. But people say that they are good with other fish. So you can try, it probably would be fine.

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Q: Can you put 4 dainos in a tank with a betta?
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Can a betta fish be put in a 5 gallon tank with 4 guppies?


How many Neon Tetras with a Betta in 4 gallon Aquarium?

You should only have 1 fish per gallon of water in a fish tank. I wouldn't put more than 2 or 3 Neon Tetras in a 4 gallon aquarium with 1 Betta.

How can you tell if your betta is sick?

If your betta has been doing anything lately such as spending long periods of time at the bottom of the tank, if your betta has a sudden gain in weight or loss in wieght, Also if their fins aren't moving (except when they are sleeping), and also if they swim at the top of the tank for about 3 to 4 hours

Is there a fish that you can get that only needs a 5 gallon tank but is not ugly and not a betta?

yes. 3 or 4 neon tetras can live in a 5 gallon tank. they are also fairly cheap.Type your answer here...

What types of fresh water fish are good together in the same fish tank?

i have 1 female betta 1 platy 4 neon tetras and 2 catfish in my tank and they all get along fine

How many gallons of water does 2 guppies need to survive?

Well, 4 guppies would be fine in a 2 gallon bowl, but they breed a lot, so you'll have to put them in a 10 gallon tank once there is fry [put the fry in the 10 gallon tank, not the parents!]. But if your just keeping 4 females, or 4 males, they can live in the bowl just fine. I would not put them in a 1 gallon, or 0.5 gallon bowl, though. It's not big enough [not as big as a 2 gallon bowl is]. You can feed guppies betta pellets, betta flakes, or even a broken goldfish flake, if your guessing what to feed them. If you just had goldfish, or betta fish that just passed away, use their fish food to feed your guppies. It won't hurt them, because guppies can and will eat just about anything you float on their water. Hope this helps.

Can you put a male betta with 4 female in 50 gallons?

That is more than enough room for those bettas. :)

How do you clean your tropical fish fish tank?

Well, it all depends on the size of the tank, and whether or not it's filtered: * For 1/2 gallons, non filtered tanks - 100% water changes every week. * For 1 gallon - 2 gallon, non filtered tanks - 100% water changes weekly * For 2.5 gallon - 5 gallon, filtered tanks - 25% water changes weekly * For 10 gallon, filtered tanks - 10% to 25% weekly water changes THINGS TO REMEMBER: - Always use water the same temperature as before. Betta's are quite sensitive to water temperature fluctuations - Always use dechlorinator or let the water set for at least 24 hours before using. Never use distilled water - Never use soap when cleaning the tank - For smaller tanks, use a turkey baster (or something similar) to get rid of extra food and waste. For larger tanks, try gravel vacuums.

Can 1 male betta live with 4 female betta in a 15 gallong tank?

He will kill every one of the females if they are left with him. Bettas have evolved over millions of years to chase away any other member of the same species. That is what Bettas do to other Bettas.

Can betta fish live any other fish?

No. if so the betta will kill the other fish, even the other fish being a betta. Not true... Goldfish will nibble on their lovely fins but I've seen Beta's get along ok with Cories, also little Neon Tetras. By the way, female bettas can only be together to mate, even after mating the male may kill the female. While bettas can live in harmony with other fish, and be fine in a five gallon fish bowl by themselves, the other fish need to be in a tank with filters and all that other stuff. Answer The recommended size of tank for a Betta is 10 Gallons (nominal). So the answer to your question is no. Your 5 gallon (nominal) tank would be actually holding about 4 gallons of water when it is filled to within 1 inch of the top. Add any more fish and you would be overloading the tank.Well they might

How do you know when a betta fish is ready to reproduce?

you never really know all bettas are different they are usually ready at 11 weeks the female will be fat if she has eggs. im very bored so if you try to breed them here is what i did:D remove the male and female betta into a different tank (unless you don't have any other fish). this is what i did my fry are 2 1/2 weeks old now and doing great:D 1:place Styrofoam cup cut longways in tank put it against the wall and put some thing that floats like the end of a plastic plant like the one you put in the fish tank 2: cut of the bottom of a plastic peanut butter jar try to cut as flat as possible its ok if its uneven just put that side up out the female in this thing. 3:drop the water level down to about 4-5 inches this is a must because the eggs sink and the male has to go get them if its to far to swim he will give and stop puting eggs in his nest 4:feed the fish frozen blood worms 5:when the male betta has blown alot of bubbles under the Styrofoam cup floating on the top of the water release the female betta its ok if he rips her fins a little bit (the first female betta i put in with my male betta he riped almost all f her fins of and wouldn't breed with her) if it gets that severe remove the female and try a different female after she lays her eggs remove her 6: 24 to 36 hours later your fry should have hatched (don't worry if they are a day or 2 late mine where) 7: 2-4 days later the fry should be free swimming (again if they are a little late r early its ok mine what didnt go wrong with mine?) now remove the male betta now you need to feed the fry i feed my hard boil egg yolk and water mixed together. they prob wont swim by it they eat it out of the water you can't see them doing it 8:your tank is getting dirty 1-2 weeks later take a turkey baster and suck up the junk off the bottom and put water in a bowl to look for betta fry remove betta fry with spoon put back in tank 9: 3 week old betta fry start breathing from the air now so you have to spray the water with water so its humid in the air in the tank s when they take there first breath there lungs don't shrivel up and die. well mine are not passed this yet so do some research on 3 week old betta fry and older good luck:D

When do you clean a betta fish tank?

You have to clean it once every 2 to 4 weeks. Who ever told you to never clean the tank, is a corrupted, big business man, who wants you to kill it, so you'll have to buy another one, again, and again, and again.