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You have to be careful. Ducklings from the same clutch will not accept a duckling from another clutch, no matter what age. They will harass and peck it to death.

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Q: Can you put a 1 week old duckling in with 3 week old ducklings?
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ducklings are weak so things such as foxes and dogs, and even the odd cat can harm or kill a duckling. build a fence. chicken wire is good. heat is also a killer. put a water dish big/deep enough for the duck to swim.

What age can a duckling live with other ducks and chickens?

You can put them together at anytime, but you should wait until the ducklings are about 9 weeks because by then they are a little bigger and they have less of a chance of getting hurt by the bigger ducks.

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The possessive form of the plural noun ducks is ducks'.Example: The ducks' pond is very busy during migration season.

Is it ok to take the ducklings from the mother and will you be able to put them back with the mother once she has hatched all the ducklings but separated from the other ducks?

Most of the time if you take the ducklings from the mother they will see you as their mother and follow you around so it might be hard to put them back with her and make them stay with her. So I don't know if I would remove them from her or not You are best off leaving the ducklings with the hen rather than removing them. Especially if you want mom to do the raising of the ducklings.

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How long Does It Take Till a Duck Can Go outside?

they can be put outside a few days after they are hatched.

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Yes I have a 9 week old rat with a 3 week old rat. Just be readdy for some unfair squabbling. My nine week old used to pick on the young one now they snuggle and everything.

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Yes but they will go anal