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Q: Can you put a frozen pie crust in a pie plate?
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How do you bake a Frozen meat pie with Pillsbury pie crust?

put it in the microwave

Can you freeze a baked apple pie?

Yeah they have pre made Sara Lee apple and other pies that you put in the oven and frozen homemade pies can be frozen and saved

What kind of crust would you use for pumkin pie?

Sweet potato pie is usually made with a regular single pie crust made with flour, lard / shortening, a bit of salt and cold water. The crust should not be pre-baked. Also, a graham-cracker pie crust is quite tasty with sweet potato pie.

What do you need to make a pie to smash in your face?

You need some whip cream pie crust and a pie bowl just bake the pie crust then put enough whip cream in to fill it and throw it in somones face :)

How do you eat apple pie on a stick?

you put the rounded part of the crust onto the stick and there you have apple pie on a stick

How do you use your pie plate?

put cooking spray on the pan

Is it safe to put a cream poultry sauce into uncooked pie crust?


What will happen Iv a plate gain heat?

The plate will get hot and when you put frozen food on it ,it will burn.

Can you put frozen fruit in a pie before baking it?

No, frozen fruit needs to be thawed completely and drained before adding to a pie. Putting frozen fruit directly into a pie would alter the baking time drastically, and the juice from the defrosting fruit would make the pie filling very runny.

Which is better tin pie pan or glass pie pan?

Glass or ceramic make the best pies. They hold the heat more evenly. Glass has the benefit of being see-through, so you can see the color of the crust. Metal pie pans sometimes give pies a metallic taste. Dont put a frozen pie in a glass dish into a hot oven or the glass will break!

How do you make the perfect pie crust?

You put half of the water needed in the bowl and instead of putting the other half of water in, you put in pear juice. You get a crusty crust which is also sweet.

Can you refreeze raw apple pie?

If there's any way to avoid it, I'd suggest not re-freezing a raw apple pie. The reason is that the pastry crust will be inferior once it's re-frozen. Frozen and then thawed pastry crust absorbs a lot of moisture from the freeze; if you then re-freeze it, all that moisture will also freeze which causes the crust to be flatter and not brown as well. If you can, try to bake the pie first and then re-freeze it. You'll be happier with the results.