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no. because the they will fight each other

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Q: Can you put a male and female hamster together after they already mated?
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My male and female hamster mated is it for sure that the female hamster is pregnant?

No, it will often take them a couple more times to mate before she becomes pregnant.

What is a hamster who has just mated?

the answer to that is 'lucky!'

How can you tell if your Dwarf hamster has mated or not?

They will always cuddle up and stay together when they get there food. They won't leave each other.

Do hamster have peiods?

No they don't but they do bleed slightly after initial penetration during their first time mating so if u house a male and female hamster in same cage and u note a tiny trail of blood and no physical body wounds on your hamster it means they likely mated (doesn't necessarily mean they mated successfully to yield pups, so don't pull the male out just yet)

Had a pair of mated seahorses The female died Have another pair of seahorses that are in a QT tank Will the male seahorse be okay with the mated pair when transfered Does he need another female?

Male Seahorses can live with a mated pair Seahorses were once thought to be monogomous but that has been proven false. so the female may mate with both if all live together

How long should you leave a male and a female hamster together to mate?

because the female only comes into season every four days, then you should but them together four nights in a row. if she attacks the male, then she is not ready to mate, and you should carry on until they have mated. when she attacks the male, then you should separate them immediately , with thick gardening gloves! when she is ready to mate then the signs are obvious, she will stand still and let the male mate with her. they should only be put together for 15 minutes or so, and you must always be watching them. if you leave them together for longer than that, then the female will get more and more active, and may turn on the male if he is still trying to mate with her. also, you should never put the male into the female's cage. even if she is ready to mate, she will attack him. always introduce them in the male 's cage or on unknown ground. i don't think that's true, i always stick my male hamster in the female cage and there just as happy together. it doesn't matter. my female prefers that the male is in her cage.

What was bred to make a cow?

A cow already exists as is, since it is a female bovine that has already had a calf. But, in the facts of evolution, another bull and a cow had to have mated to produce this "cow."

How long after your hamster mated does it take to have babies?

Roughly 15 to 18 days

Had mated pair of seahorse Female died Was in the process of adding another mated pair These are being housed in another tank Should I get the single seahorse another female or will he be ok?

It is best to add another seahorse female to a tank rather than leave a single male seahorse in a tank with another mated pair of seahorses. If the female in a pair dies, simply replace the female seahorse. You can keep several pairs together in a larger tank.

If you cannot put a male and female betta together how do you get baby bettas?

you can put a male and female betta together but you must watch them closely, if they fight remove one of them right away! remember to remove them after they have mated

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I can say this my female pitbull and male toy poodle accidentally mated...

How will male fruit flies repond to already mated female fruit flies?

They can only mate once so when its done they die after 2 hours