

Can you put cholrine in a tadpole pond?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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15y ago

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No, you really can't put chlorine in any water body that has living things in it (unless you don't want them to be living anymore).

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Q: Can you put cholrine in a tadpole pond?
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Give them fish food and rotting vegetables

What do you feed your tadpole?

If you have access to the pond it came from algae (green slimy stuff) would be the best but if not boil lettuce until it gets mushy, let it cool, then drop it in for your tadpole.

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you take out the tadpole out of the container fast and put it in another container with water, then you just clesn it out and then put it back in with water

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You CAN put one in a pond, but it will slowly sink.

Where do you put a tadpole?

In a pond or a aquarium. Mine are in a aquarium and are fed on fish food and dryed worms. I have 31 and have no clue what they are but most tadpoles need a good amount of room to change and grow, exspecialy if you don't know what kind they are!!

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it dies cause of the chlorine because it has a chemical in it which is very dangerous

How do you get to star hill in Super Mario RPG?

After you get Princess, talk to Frogfucious (Tadpole Pond, old frog). Then Star Hill will be accessable.

How are the tadpole and the frog similar in their movement?

Well, all I can think of is when a tadpole grows it's legs, the movement of the tadpole and the frogs legs are the same. Please Improve or put in the discussion board your answer.