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I wouldn't recommend it because the fish are used to a warm temperature and a sudden change in the temperature is too much for tropical fish so they most likely would end up dead

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14y ago

Yes. But because cold water is what the fish needs it will shorten the fishes life considerably so it is not a smart nor intelligent thing to do.

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Q: Can you put cold water fish in a tropical fish tank?
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Can you mix cold water fish and tropical fish in same tank?

No. The temperature variation will kill one or the other. (Too warm for cold water fish, too cold for tropical fish)

Can you put cold water fish in a tank that has had tropical fish?

Yes u can, they would actually thrive!

What type of tropical fish can you put in with goldfish?

None, goldfish are cold water fish, so having a tropical fish as a tank-mate just wouldn't work because tropical fish need to live in warm water.

Is well water good for tropical fish tank?

no tropical fish need warm water

Why wouldn't you put tropical fish in a tank full of cool water?

You would not put tropical fish in a tank of cold water because the live in warm climates and need a temperature of 24 - 26/28 degrees Celsius to survive.

How do you know if your fish is tropical?

you can tell by the labal at the pet store you get it from and also by the temperature of the water in your tank. for example,a goldfish is not tropical. therefore it needs cold water. a guppy is tropical,so it needs warm water

What fish can you put in a cold tank?

You can not put tropical fish in coldwayter bevause they need hot water to survive but you can put goldfish in coldwater becaue they are coldwater fish

Can you convert your fresh water fish tank into tropical without killing the fish?

You can definitely do that, but you haven't made it clear that you have cold water in the tank before. If you can keep the water temperature at 72 F, then you can keep both cold water fishes like gold fishes and non-aggressive community tropical fishes like gouramis, platys, mollies, algae eaters etc with gold fish.

Can a guppie live with a goldfish?

A guppie is a tropical fish and should be kept in an aquarium with other tropical fish, a goldfish is kept in a bowl or tank in cold water - the 2 cannot be kept together because of the different in the temperature of the water

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.

Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?

No, Neon Tetras and Goldfish do not belong in the same tank. Goldfish prefer cold water, while Tetras are more of a tropical fish.

Is it all right when tropical fish goes into a tank that was used from goldfish?

Only if it has a heater in the tank other wise the tropical fish will die. They are warm blooded instead of cold blooded.