

Can you put dresses on your guinea pig?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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you can but i wouldn't recommend it,it might make your pig unhappy.

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Q: Can you put dresses on your guinea pig?
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you could put another guinea pig or they would probably get alond with hamsters or bunnies

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it really depends on the guinea pig, some get along fine with friends some don't

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it means that YOUR guinea PIG LOVES YOU

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an animal may die if you do that. probably the guinea pig. :(

Is it ok to put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant female guinea pig?

When I got my guinea pig, we didn't know she was pregnant, so about a month later, my sister got one that wasn't pregnant. It was a little less that a month after that that my guinea pig had 2 babies. During that time, though, Molly, the pregnant guinea pig, was acting very territorial, and Milly, the non pregnant guinea pig, was staying by herself and not having anything to do with Molly. So make sure that if you put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant guinea pig, that the non pregnant guinea pig is a girl, or else there WILL be trouble.

If one guinea pig is sick in cage are the rest sick?

not necessarily; if you leave one guinea pig in the cage with the sick guinea pig, the guinea pig that is not sick can get sick; you should separate them just to be safe but if the guinea pigs start to get lonely, put them back together

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Your guinea pig fell what do you do?

put him back in his cage.

How do you put a harbnes on a guinea pig?

Do you mean a harness? If so, it shouldn't be put on in the first place... You should let your guinea pig have supervised floor/lap time :)