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If its dry NO

If Its Ok then YES!!

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Q: Can you put grass cuttings in your worm farm?
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How To Make A Worm Farm?

put them into a animal farm.

How do you collect worm pee from a worm farm?

normally have a pipe out the bottom of a plastic bin worm farm and just put a bucket underneath spout.

What food do you put in a worm farm?

A mud or A plant.

What do you use as a worm farm?

ussually, compost piles. if you want to contain the worms you cound put your compost inside of a bin.

How do you build a earthworm farm?

put a worm on a rock and cover it with a leaf

Why does your worm farm smell?

If your worm farm smells, it is a sign that it is too wet, or that you are giving the worms too much food. Make sure it is draining properly. There should be holes in the bottom allowing the worm urine and other liquid to drain into a tray. If the smell is from rotting food, remove it and give the worms less to eat. It is a good tip every time you feed them to put the food in a different spot, gradually moving round the feeding tray. Then you can see if they ate all the previous food, and judge the size of their next portion. Read the question below: What food should you put in a worm farm?

What happens if worms eat grass?

worm cannot eat because it is a doctile creature that only lives a short life span and cannot eat because it has no mouth or butt for which it to go in or come out. if a worm procedes to eat the grass it is either broken or is not a worm but an imposture of this amazing creature of which we put down below the food chain to deliberatly ignore its grace and importance!

What fish can be put in a farm pond that eats only algae and can live through the cold winter?

Try Grass Carp

How you can grow up worm farms?

First you need an container that lets air get through but still has a lid, then you put the soil in. Afterwards you put the worms in and finally compost and food scraps. Trust this information because i have a worm farm at my school and i daily give food scraps to the worms.

Can a bunny eat grass?

Ya. Rabbits can eat grass. If they are your pet i would rinse it off first if your picking it to put in their cage. That because tapeworms lay eggs on grass and when an animal eats it the worm hatches inside their body. Then you have a pet with worms and that's not good.

What are worm farms?

well , you know compost heaps? you get similar stuff put it in a big container that can breath then add worms. you put damp paper on top to keep moisture some people have like a small hole in the container for worm wee to come out. if you put 1 sixth of this 5 sixths water you can put it on plants. A worm farm is a way to recycle household food and non-food items. A worm farm is started in a strong container, usually plastic, about 9x14x7 inches. In the container you need to add dampened shredded newspaper. Add a few handfuls of garden soil, a few crushed eggs shells to the newspaper and the worms. Keep the bedding material wettish but not drenched. The worms most suitable for worm farms are red worms (also known as red wrigglers or manure worms), blue worms and tiger worms. In addition to recycling household waste, the worm farm will produce a rich soil that can be used for house plants, vegetable gardens and lawns.

Why shouldn't you put orange peels in your compost?

I would suggest putting orange peels into a worm farm. Orange peels smell good, so they will draw pests to your compost.