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It would be a good idea to put two mice in a cage together so that they don't get lonely and bored. It would be a good choice to put two females together because they would get along very well. Putting two males together would result in alot of fighting and possibly a dead mouse. But just don't put a male and a female together because otherwise you will have mice multiply every day.

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Q: Can you put two mice in the same cage And if you can Can two female mice be put in the same cage Or are two male better?
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What should you do if your male mouse is trying to kill your female mice?

It's quite obvious, remove the male from the cage/enclosure...

If there is one mouse in a cage does he or she get lonely?

Yes, a mouse (female or male) will get lonely if kept alone in a cage. Mice are very social animals and need the company of other mice to be happy.

Can mice have babies on their own?

As long as there is one male mouse and one female mouse in the same cage there will most likely be babies.

How do you bred mice?

Get a female mouse and male mouse, keep them in the same cage, they are likely to mate or breed if they're alone together.

Are tame fancy rats usually good pets?

Yes very good pets I have one and I love him. Just notice that Mice are nocturnal and if you don't want them to be lazy and sleep during the day than i suggest playing with them a lot or putting them in their ball, if you do not own a ball they are very cheap at the following places, WalMart, Pet Smart, and maybe your local pet store. Most mice do have diseases but Fancy mice have very little that will not harm human. It is better if you get 2 mice because they get very lonely mostly female and female are better if you get male and female they will have babies real quick so i suggest female and female. (no they will not fight) Fancy Mice are not expensive the one I got was $3 but the cage was $25 that's not very much. Male mice get urine on the cage bars(don't ask me why I'm only 11) But is stinks so it is better to get females. Fancy Mice are kid friendly and do not bite*************************** I Hope This Helped!!*******************

When can you put a male mouse back in its cage after the female had babies?

I had mice but like i do with every animal before i get it i do some research on them and you arent suposed to put a male and female together in the first place so i would advice you 'not' to put the male back in with the female

How do you make pet mice or rats have babies?

Mice mate by a male sticking it's penis into a female mices vagina and a sperm meets up with an egg cell and forms a sniffing each other and getting to know each other

Are mice Teritorial?

Male mice are Teritorial only if 1. there is another male mouse in his cage Or 2. if there is a moter mouse with babys

Does male mice stay after mating?

nope. He lets the mother take care of the litter on her own. It would be odd if the couple ever met agin in the wild. If you are talking about breeding pet mice the male shoud be taken out of the cage if the female if prego.

Is it ok to have 6 pet male mice in a cage?

No. They probably will fight.

Do male mice die after mating I had 2 mice and I am almost positive they mated so when I opened the cage and looked at the male he was dead The female had a plug- cemin blocking the vagina?

no, i had 2 mice now i have 24 and another litter on the way and the male is still alive. your mouse must have died of natural causes or he must have been ill.

What are mice testicles?

Male sexual organs which produce sperm. Sperm are what fertilise a female's egg as a result of sexual intercourse.