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You can sue for anything. "Sue" means "Ask". You're just asking the court to award you money for your real or imagined loss. Whether the court will award you anything s questionable, especially something as trivial as this.

The answer above is wrong. civil law does NOT allow you so sue everyone. You must have "standing" to sue - an actual relationship to the defendant. Judges will immediately dismiss a suit against an employer you never worked for or applied to - no standing to sue.

A court is not where you ASK for money. A civil trial is where the Plaintiff has the entire burden of PROVING with admissible evidence that he/she suffered substantial damage CAUSED by the action of the defendant, or defendant's failure to perform a known duty (negligence).

There's no asking, there is PROVING.

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Employees who are employed "at will" can quit at any time, and need no justification. Just stop working, stop showing up. If you are under an employment contract, you should consult with your attorney about the risks of breaching the contract by not showing up for work.

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Q: Can you quit your job if you are suing your employer?
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Certainly not. It does you no good and can harm you chances of getting hired.

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No. You are eligible for unemployment if you are terminated by your employer. Unemployment benefits are to help support yourself until such time as you find new employment. If you quit your job you had better have a plan to support your self and find new employment.

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