

Can you really sprain your ankle by just tripping?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Haha yeah...happens to me all the time but it's just a mild sprain.

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Q: Can you really sprain your ankle by just tripping?
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It is just like spraining your ankle, except it is your hand.

What does it mean when you have only one swollen ankle and it feels like there is extra tissue there?

That feeling is probably just excess fluid from a mild sprain. Press down the tissue of the swollen ankle with your finger, then do it to your other ankle. If the swollen ankle rebounds slower then the normal ankle, it's just a sprain. Elevate and ice it. If not, seek medical advice.

Is your tendon scratched once you sprain your ankle?

Go to your doctor. I just studied this, and it really depends on how you sprained it. For all we know you could have tore your tendon, or a ligament. That's my advice for you.:)

Do you supposed to soak a sprain ankle?

you can, but just remember to this; it is called RICE Rest Ice Compress Elevate

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well, you DEFINATLY have to sprain your ankle which doesnt hurt terribly bad, but you might want to just dig a hole somewhere then run really fast purposly falling into the hole until it starts to hurt really bad(:

Is Asics GT 2160 can be now good for teenagers?

Asics are really good comfortable for the price. I wouldn't recommend Asics gt-2160 for someone suffering from a sprain. I have twisted my ankle many times while just walking in the pair I have.

Can you sprain your thumb bone?

A sprain is soft tissue damage. You cannot sprain a bone. You can sprain your thumb, just not the bone itself.

How do you know if your foot is sprained or broken?

The word 'sprain' means a joint injury in which some of the fibres of a supporting ligament are ruptured but the continuity of the ligament remains intact which is not the case in a torn ligament in which the ligament as a whole is torn due to injury. So, in a torn ligament case, the functions of structures that are held in position by that ligament are affected. But in sprained ankle there is no such damage done.

What is tripping in professional football?

believe it or not it's just called tripping

What causes sprains?

Sprains are caused by a strain or tear in a muscle or tendon. Usually it is just a stretch that is too far so it caused great pain, but a bad sprain would be a rip or even a complete tear.

Is a sprain a torn muscle?

It doesn't. You can sprain ligaments also.

How bad does it hurt to sprain ankle?

A sprained ankle can hurt one person and not another. It just depends on a few things. First, it can depend on how sensitive you are to pain. My brother broke his arm in 3 places and did not cry, and when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee I was crying. There are 3 types of sprained ankles: grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. If you get a grade 1 ankle, you typically will have a little pain, swelling, and tenderness. With grade 1, the ligament is stretched or the fibers of the ligaments are ripped a little. You can tolerate putting your weight on it. With grade 2, some of the fibers are torn but not all of them so there is a big increase in pain, swelling, and tenderness. You usually will have difficulty putting pressure on that ankle. Grade 3 is the worse. The ligament is torn, and you can't put weight on it without a lot of pain. There is a lot of swelling and tenderness. You will need to stay off it (though you should stay off of any sprained ankle). Remember RICE (Rest (stay off of it), Ice (20-30min), Compression (Ace bandage), and Elevation (for first 48 hours)). A broken or fractured ankle/ foot can free the same as a sprained ankle (there are similar symptoms), so it can be quite painful to have a sprained ankle.