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well, you DEFINATLY have to sprain your ankle which doesnt hurt terribly bad, but you might want to just dig a hole somewhere then run really fast purposly falling into the hole until it starts to hurt really bad(:

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12y ago
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14y ago

well you could trip over something.... even if u sprain ur ankle... go to the hospital, get an xray, and they will give you an ace bamdage and crutches. the order of the pain is spraining, then fracturing, then breaking. have fun with that................ Jessica <3 (:

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Q: How to get crutches without hurt?
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Should you use crutches if you hurt a muscle in your thigh?

that would depend how damaged it is if it is very damaged you would need the crutches, and if it is not that damaged then you wont need it, but it will get worse without crutches

When stop using crutches?

When leg stop hurt.

Why Is Niall Horan using crutches?

He hurt his knee playing football

How do you make home made crutches?

I need to do the sane thing hurt ankle.

What are crutches?

If u get hurt and get a cast on ur leg u might get them to help u walk...

Why does the violinist in Celtic thunder get carried off the stage?

Nicole Hudson was carried of the stage for some of the shows in AC because she hurt her ankle playing tennis and couldn't walk without crutches.

How do you get crutches if you really want them?

Crutches are sold in medical supply stores, so go buy a pair of them. If you have never used them let me warn you they are not easy to use and they hurt under your arms.

Is it ok to go out on your crutches in bare feet without a shirt?

Why not? Bare feet and topless looks good, and crutches are safer to use with bare feet anyway.

Which could not walk without the aid of braces and crutches?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

How bad should your Osgood Schlatter be before using crutches?

Some patients with Osgood Schlatter disease may require crutches when the pain is severe.You must be able to support your entire weight on one leg in order to use crutches. Crutches allow you to walk without placing any weight on an injured or painful leg.

How do you make a doctor give you crutches when you are not hurt?

Just go to a medical store and buy them. They will most likely give them to you for 95-100$.

Why do crutches hurt me so much?

Talk to your doctor. They might not be adjusted properly for you or you might not be using them correctly or there could be something else wrong.