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Q: Which could not walk without the aid of braces and crutches?
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Which president could not walk without the aid of braces and crutches during the entire 12 years on his presidency?

That was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

What did Tiny Tim use to help him walk?

Tiny Tim used crutches to help him walk. He also wore iron braces on his legs.

Can you walk normal without tibia?

It would be highly unlikely that you could walk normally without a tibia bone in your leg. You would need crutches at best, and most likely you would be in a wheelchair.

Can you learn how to walk if you have Spina Bifida?

Yes. I have spina bifida and I'm twenty years old and I've been able to walk completely normal my entire life with no crutches or braces of any kind and have never had any complications. Not all people with Spina Bifida can walk. It depends on the severity of the condition in the individual. But with advances in medicine, children with Spina Bifida can now receive early intervention and many are able to walk, at least with crutches or a walker, if not unaided.

Are crutches an important invention?

Yes, seeing as though you wouldn't be able to walk without them if you had a broken foot.

Which president used braces and crutches?

Franklin Roosevelt was stricken by polio when was a young man and needed braces to walk . He tried to keep this fact hidden.

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Which president could not walk with out theaid of braces and cruches?

FDR had poliovirus and couldn't walk. He did his best to hide it from the public.

What is the verb form of walking on crutches?

Do you mean a verb form of crutch? A long time ago, you could say something was crutched by someone or something, but we don't use it anymore that I know.If you're looking for a better or different way of saying "walking on crutches," you'd be better off using a synonym for walking that implies "with difficulty" like hobbling.You can say, "He walked on crutches for two weeks.""He can walk on crutches.""He was walking on crutches.""He will be walking on crutches at this time tomorrow."These are all verb forms of to walk.

How bad should your Osgood Schlatter be before using crutches?

Some patients with Osgood Schlatter disease may require crutches when the pain is severe.You must be able to support your entire weight on one leg in order to use crutches. Crutches allow you to walk without placing any weight on an injured or painful leg.

What is a great sentence for aid?

He donated money to aid the victims of the hurricane. After injuring her foot, she could walk only with the aid of crutches.

Used by lame people to help them walk?

A walking stick Crutches A zimmer (walking) frame. Leg callipers