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The amount of menstrual blood has nothing to do with the release of your egg, at least not in the way you are thinking it does. Ovulation (the release of the egg) occurs well before your period flow. Think of it this way- when you are on the pill, you have a normal period..that is, you bleed like you would without the pill. The biggest difference is that the pill prevents your egg from being released. So, you do not release eggs but still bleed. If you are really concerned about yours (or girlfriend's, etc) fertility, I think the best thing to do is research the mentrual cycle and learn more about exactly when things are happening. You can still get pregnant during your period and anytime before or after, but there are days where pregnancy is more likely during the month. Hope this helps?:)

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Q: Can you release egg if you do not have period only spotting?
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I was diagnosed with an unfertilized egg implantation and I had the same symptoms as you get when you're pregnant. Only difference is I began spotting, then had what seemed to be my period and then kept spotting (the whole process of bleeding/spotting went on for almost a month).

Cramping and spotting before period?

It is your body's way of preparing for your period. The cramping should only happen at least two or three days before you start your period. If you don't start, it may have been your body releasing an egg. The spotting, is very normal. Again, your body is preparing for your period.

What does brown spotting and pain mean after your period?

It is probably because you are ovulating (releasing an egg) Lots of people get pain and brown spotting during ovulation, which occurs shortly after your period

Can you be pregnant even though you are in your period?

No, you only release an egg in between periods.

Can spotting before your period be a sign of pregnancy?

Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.

If you release two eggs and only one gets fertilized can you still bleed as long as a normal period?

If sex occurs in the days leading up to ovulation and one egg were to be fertilized it would prevent a period from occurring. It is impossible for a woman to have a 'period' after conception has occurred. Although spotting in early pregnancy is common, it would not be considered to be menses.

Can I be pregnant if I've only had my period for two days and the period was very light?

yes ! i could have been spotting always make sure you use condoms ! when the sprem and the egg meet together the body bleeds because of plantion .

Is it possible to spot when you stop taking birth control?

Spotting on birth control can happen due to missed pills or due to other factors. If you have taken the pill as directed, spotting doesn't mean that you are not protected against pregnancy. If the spotting continues or recurs, see your health care provider to find out the cause. Infection or some other problem with your cervix could be the cause. If not, a change in brand may solve the problem.

How soon can you release and egg after period?

They say any women can release an egg 10-14 days from the day your period stops,but not all women are the same.

If you release more than egg is it possible that one gets fertilized and the other gives you a period?

No. If the fertilized egg implants, no period will occur.

You had your period in November spot for 2 days in December and still no period what could be the problem?

You can have a small amount of spotting when an egg implants. I would take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

Can you get implation bleeding on day 11 of your cycle?

No, two days after your period you may not have even ovulated...let alone concieved and the fertilised egg travelled down the fallopian tubes to implant in the uterus. Bleeding two days after your period is likely just spotting at the end of your period, or may be ovulation spotting.