

Can you remove asbestos roofing

Updated: 8/28/2023
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12y ago

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Impressed by the exceptional services of Bouldin Roofing! As a resident of the Austin area, finding a reliable roofing company was crucial, and Bouldin Roofing proved to be the top choice. Their expertise extends not only to Austin but also to nearby areas like Leander. The professionalism and skill they bring to every project truly set them apart. It's clear they take pride in being more than just a roofing contractor; they're a team dedicated to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. If you're in need of roofing services in Austin or even Leander, Bouldin Roofing should be your go-to choice. Kudos to them for consistently delivering top-notch results!

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Alpha Team Roofing

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12y ago

Asbestos roofing can be removed, but it should be done by a team who are properly trained and equipped to do that safely.

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Is removal of asbestos corrugated roofing safe?

Removal of asbestos corrugated roofing safe if done properly.

How can you tell the difference between asbestos roofing or other roofing?

Check the roof for asbestos marking or the packing that it came in. If you are still trying to figure out if there is asbestos, call the manufacturer and they can give you details.

What is the difference between corrugated asbestos roofing and asbestos cement flat sheet?

The difference between corrugated asbestos roofing and flat asbestos cement sheet is the form in which it was cast and, perhaps, the thickness of the finished product. Asbestos was merely an additive to cement. Both products are basically cement with a fiber strengthener that happens to be asbestos.

Can you put new corregated roofing over asbestos corregated?

You can but it is not recommended. The old roofing sheets will promote corrosion under the new sheets. Far better to remove the old corrugated roofing first.

What is lifespan of super six asbestos roofing?

The lifespan of Super Six asbestos roofing can vary depending on factors such as weather conditions and maintenance, but generally, it is around 30-50 years. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain the roofing to ensure its longevity. If the roofing is damaged or deteriorating, it should be promptly replaced to prevent health risks associated with asbestos exposure.

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Why are roofers removing old asbestos roof more at risk of developing lung cancer then people who install asbestos flooring?

Installing asbestos flooring involves less disturbance to the asbestos-containing product than does removal of asbestos felt roofing. Consequently the flooring installer probably has less exposure to airborne asbestos fiber than does the roofing remover, and therefore less risk of developing cancer.However, if a similar comparison is made between the flooring remover and the roofing remover, the greater risk falls to the flooring remover.

Why are roofers removing old asbestos roofs more at risk of developing lung cancer then people who install asbestos flooring?

Installing asbestos flooring involves less disturbance to the asbestos-containing product than does removal of asbestos felt roofing. Consequently the flooring installer probably has less exposure to airborne asbestos fiber than does the roofing remover, and therefore less risk of developing cancer.However, if a similar comparison is made between the flooring remover and the roofing remover, the greater risk falls to the flooring remover.

Why asbestos sheets are preferred over iron sheets for roofing?

Asbestos provides better insulation, because it is thicker and denser than iron.

Why Asbestos sheets are preferred over iron sheet for roofing?

Asbestos provides better insulation, because it is thicker and denser than iron.

What type of asbestos is corrugated asbestos roofing?

Corrugated asbestos typically contains White (Chrysotile) asbestos at between 10 to 15 % content, however some older materials can contain Blue and Brown at varying content.

What is the r value for asbestos roof sheeting?

R value of asbstos cment roofing sheet ?