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You can never see the whole surface of any sphere. The most you can see, even theoretically, is exactly half (50%), but even that requires that you be infinitely far from it. How much of the earth you can see depends on how far you are from it. The farther you are, the more you can see. The limits are: -- None at all (zero%) from zero distance (when your eye is on the ground); -- Half of the surface (50%) from an infinite distance. From the position of a geosynchronous satellite ... in an orbit about 22,000 miles above the equator ... it can see (and be seen from) all of the earth's surface inside a circle with a radius of about 70 degrees, i.e. between latitudes 70 degrees north and south, and between longitudes 70 degrees east and west of the satellite's longitude.

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Most people cannot see a satellite from Earth with the naked eye. With some training some satellites can be seen with powerful telescopes.

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Q: Can you see a saterlite from earth?
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A continuous acceleration toward the center of the Earth equal to GM/R2 where G is the Gravitational Constant, M the mass of the Earth and R the distance between the satelite and the center of the Earth. If you multiply this by the mass of the sattelite itself, you get the force acting on the satelite to produce the acceleration. It is this force, causing this acceleration, which holds the satelite in orbit. Without it the satelite would obey Newton's first law of motion and just move out in a straight line. Note that this is true of any object orbiting any thing, whether it is an artificial satellite orbiting the earth, a planet or spacecraft orbiting the Sun, or a star orbiting the center of the galaxy.

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