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Q: Can you see the big dipper or southern cross in the southern hemisphere?
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Is the constellation 'Big Dipper' unique to the northern hemisphere?

There is no constellation like it in the Southern Hemisphere... but the Southern Cross points to where a South Star would be located, if one were visible.

What is the easiest star constellation to spot?

Depends on where you are. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, it's going to be the Big Dipper or Ursa Major (that's the same constellation). In the Southern Hemisphere, it's the Southern Cross.

Can people in the southern hemisphere see the same constellations as people in the northern hemisphere?

No. One of the better known constellations in the northern hemisphere is the big dipper. People in the southern hemisphere can't see this. In the south the well known constellation is the southern cross, and you can't see this in the northern hemisphere.

When can you see the constellation Virgo in northern or southern hemisphere?

Virgo can be seen in the southern hemisphere during american autumn (september, october, etc) and in the northern hemisphere during american spring (May, etc). In the northern hemisphere you use the big dipper as a reference to find it and in the southern hemisphere you use the southern cross.

Why cant a person in Australia use the big dipper to find north?

In much of the southern hemisphere the Big Dipper is not visible. It is only barely visible just above the horizon in the far north of Australia. The Southern Cross, or Crux, is a more useful aid to navigation.

Can you see the little dipper in Peru?

No. Peru is in the southern Hemisphere and though parts of the Big Dipper can be seen, no part of the Little Dipper can be seen.

Can the constellation Southern Cross be seen from Penang in Malaysia?

Can, we can see both big dipper and southern cross in penang.

What hemisphere is the big dipper in?

its in the northern hemisphere

What state can you see the big dipper?

All of them. You can see the Big Dipper anywhere in the northern hemisphere.

What uses of constelations?

Constellations are groups of stars which have been given names, like The Big Dipper or The Southern Cross.

How can you tell what the directions are from the stars in your hemisphere?

In the northern hemisphere you want to look for Polaris or the northern star. This star is special as it does not move much, and is always in the north. All of the other stars appear to rotate around it as the earth spins on it's axis. You can find this star by looking for the Big Dipper, take the end two stars opposite the handle and continue the imaginary line further until you get to it, the end of the Little Dipper. In the Southern Hemisphere, look for the Southern Cross.

Which month is easy to see the big dipper?

You can see the Big Dipper every month of the year, IF you live in the Northern Hemisphere