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my cellphone was backbery, but now ihave a Verizon phone, and my plan is cricket. and now the verizon enternet is not work i cant understand why.

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Q: Can you see what you went on on the internet on the phone bill?
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Can you see what you do on the Internet on your bill?

No. But you could on your firewall log.

How do you get into your daughters phone account online to see what messages she is receiving and sending?

If the phone is registered in your name, and you'repaying the bill - get a copy of the bill. If the phone is in her name and she's paying the bill in her own right, you have no legal right to see who she's contacting unless it's by court order.

How can you see his phone bill?

u cant, not without his permission

What can you see on a phone bill?

well, bob, i can see 10 numbers, an asterisk, and an ambersand

What is the difference in communication between the use of the internet and mobile phones?

The difference between communicatimg when using the cell phone and the Internet is for the cell phone you don't have to refresh it and the Internet you do. Also for the Internet you don't have just text you can use the computer cam and see them as well but the cell phone you can not.

Can you see pictures on a T mobile phone bill?

No you can't see your pictures , but if you have an itemised bill it will state that you have sent a picture message but not it's contents .

How do you block the number I am calling on my cell phone bill?

Call customer service or see if there is an instruction manual for your phone.

Can you view YouTube history on a phone bill?

I think you can but only if you have a detailed bill. If not then no becasue all you see is the charges and how many texts you have sent out.

How do you find cell phone provder for a cell phone?

I would do a search on the Internet. Then you can see what each provider has to offer for cell phones and plans.

How do you know if your IPhone bill is over?

You go under settings/phone/(type of phone) Services. Then you pick which one you want to see.

Why did Bill Gates invent the internet?

bill gates created the internet for a reason for people where they need to go what to locate and chat with friends and family far far away from each other and to see what the wheather was.

Can your parents see what your txting or watching on the iPhone bill?

All they can see is how many texts you made and how much internet usage you have done, im pretty sure about no texting but im not sure about the internet one.