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We can not show you the pictures on here but if you go to and type "images of vaginal yeast infection/discharge" you will be able to see a few. Be warned though, some images are quite disturbing.

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10y ago

It is easy to find pictures of yeast infections online. The easiest would be to type in 'Yeast infection' into a Google image search. If one wants more information about yeast infections, then the medicinenet website contains lots of useful information.

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10y ago

One can find information on how to treat a yeast infection on internet at many sites like onhealth , monistat , and the best site for yeast infection is mayoclinic .

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Can a yeast infection cause anal fissures?

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no a yeast infection is not part of taking adipex. If you are sure it is not a STD and is a yeast infection try one of the OTC drugs.If in doubt go to your doctor.

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No, in fact, some antibiotics can potentially cause a yeast infection. Yeast infections are caused by yeast and not bacteria. Azithromycin is an antibiotic that acts on bacteria. BV or bacterial vaginosis is like a yeast infection, and it is treated with an antibiotic, but a different one.

What would cause internal vaginal itching with a slight non-odorous discharge?

It sounds like it could be a yeast infection. If you have never had one, you should go to the doctor to be sure that it what you have. If you have had them before and know you have a yeast infection, use a 3 or 5 day vaginal yeast infection medication.

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Thick white dicharge and an itch that's not a yeast infection?

You wouldn't tell whether its a yeast infection or not unless you have seen the doctor. A thick discharge am thinking cheesy looking accompanied by an itch sounds so much like a yeast infection only an acute one. If not could be an STI which is even worse. Only a doctor can detect what it is, so better see one.

How can a man give you a yeast infection if he did not sleep with anyone else?

Candida albicans, the bacteria that causes a yeast infection is present in everyone, both men and women, even if they are perfectly healthy. The problem arises when the Candida has an overgrowth, which leads to a yeast infection. It is definitely possible for men to get a yeast infection and then pass it onto you. The penis is vulnerable a yeast infection, though chances are significantly lower than that of a woman's. It is possible that the man did not sleep with anyone else as sexual intercourse is only one of the many other possible causes of yeast infection in men. The man may have a weakened immune system, or took antibiotics that killed the good bacteria that are needed to keep the yeast infection from manifesting. Penile yeast infection can also happen with the use of condoms that contain nonxynol-9, so check the label to see if the chemical is present. Simply put, the man may have contracted the yeast infection without sexual intercourse. It may very well be the other causes. To add onto the facts, 75% of women will get a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime, so it may be possible that you have contracted it on your own without the man playing any part in it.

Is yeast infection communicable or non communicable?

Yes, yeast infections can be contagious. For the most part only the sufferer will be at risk, although the infection can be spread to other people it's not spread easily. Genital yeast infections can be passed between partners, thus one reason not to have sex during a yeast infection.

Can a guy get a yeast infection?

Yes. Yeast infections can cause "jock itch", which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Men can also pass yeast infections to their female partners. So if she has a yeast infection, he needs to treat himself as well.Shower and dry thoroughly; then spread something like Monistat cream on the underside of your penis and the area between the penis and the scrotum.

Can you get yeast infection in your butt crack?

Yes. You can get one almost anywhere..bellybutton.. mouth..bum crack..

Where can one find pictures of Jessica James?

There are many places where one can find pictures of Jessica James. One can find pictures of Jessica James from the official Maxim website. One may also find pictures of Jessica James using Google images.