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Q: Can you sing Gloria during funeral mass of a priest?
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Why Gloria isn't sung during Mass?

The Gloria may always be sung in any Mass that calls for a Gloria. Weekday Masses, and Masses during Lent (outside of Solemnities, such as St. Joseph and the Annunciation) do not have a Gloria.

Who are the leaders of a mass?

A Priest is the leader in prayer during the mass.

What prayer of the mass is omitted during Lent?

The Gloria is not said or sung and the Alleluia is not said during Lent.

What part of the Mass is omitted during Advent on Sundays?

The Gloria is not said at Mass during Advent and Lent.

What prayer don't we say during lent?

During Lent, the Gloria and the Alleluia are not said or sung during the Mass. This is because Lent is meant to be a solemn time where we reflect on our sinfulness and how we can better ourselves. Both the Gloria and the Alleluia are joyful prayers. The Gloria is said on Holy Thursday, and then both the Gloria and the Alleluia are reinstated in the Mass on Easter Sunday.

Who are the leaders of a holy mass?

A Priest is the leader in prayer during the mass.

What texts of the mass do you not sing during lent?

we do not sing the 'gloria' and the word 'alleluia'

When does the memorial acclamation occur during mass?

It occurs during the Eucharistic Prayer right after the consecrationof the wine by the priest, after the priest says " this in memory of me".

What is another name for the Priest who celebrates the Eucharist for and with the people of God?

The priest leading the celebration of Mass can be called Father [name]. Sometimes the priest is referred to by his position, pastor, but not usually during Mass.

What is a garment worn by bishops and priest over the other vestments during the mass?

The outermost garment worn by a priest while saying Mass is called a chasuble.

What is the proper dress for the presbeterian priest to wear at a a funeral mass?

A white alb with black Geneva gown and a stole in a color appropriate for the liturgical season.

Why no Burial during Holy Week?

Catholics may bury people anytime, including Holy Week, however, they are forbidden to celebrate any sacraments, other than the Mass on Holy Thursday evening, and the sacrament of penance, during the Sacred Triduum. So they are unable to have a funeral Mass during that time.