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Yes, but only if you don't mind getting pregnant.

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Q: Can you skip your last week of birth control pills and go straight to the next week?
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What are the last 7 pills for birth control for?

The last seven pills in the birth control pack are to keep you in the habit of taking pills. Some contain vitamins, but most contain no active ingredients.

Can you delay cycle by taking birth control pills?

Yes, skip the 7 inactive pills and go straight to the next packet of pills, the day after taking the last active pill, in packet 1.

When taking birth control pills how do you change your period?

If you skip the last week (sugar pills) and go straight to a new pack of pills you should skip your period. I did this once on vacation and haven't had any problems since!

Does starting the last week of birth control pills start your period?

To my knowledge the last week of birth control pills are placebos. That means they are simply sugar pills that help keep you in a routine. I think the lack of regular birth control pills during that last week cause you to start your period because you stop the hormones associated with those pills. Of course, I haven't taken them for over 10 years and the new types may be different.

Will it hurt to just not take the last week of my birth control pills?

If your birth control pills give you a "sugar pill" for the last week of your cycle, it is OK to skip them, assuming you start back up after the right amount of days, usually after your period has come. However, not all birth control pills have sugar pills for those days. Some just have a lower dose pill, and skipping them could reduce the effectiveness.

Your daughter is almost 11 and just got her period last month its like 2 weeks later and she says she has it again should you take her to the doctor?

yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well. yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well. yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well.

In what order do you take birth control pills and which color do you take first?

Hello - You start taking birth control pills on the last day of your period. You will have seven pills which are a different colour from the other pills. The seven different coloured pills are the "non- active or sugar pills" which you start taking after you have finished taking the active pills. The active pills are the 28+ different coloured pills from the non active ones.

Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??

You missed your period last month you have an IUD but you are also taking birth control pills can you be pregnant?

YES - no birth control devices are 100% effecitive. It is still possible to get pregnant.

What if you miss nine birth control pills?

If you miss nine birth control pills, start a new pack as soon as you can. Consider taking the morning after pill if you had sex in the last five days. Use a back up method until you've taken seven pills correctly.

How long does the menstrual cycle last on birth control pills?

It usually lasts about 2-7 days less

Also which are the sugar pills Im guessing the last ones can you skip them?

If you don't know, check with your prescriber or pharmacist. A few birth control pills have no sugar pills, and there's no point in skipping active pills.