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No, you cannot control when your period will happen.

When 'Mother Nature' says it is time, it is that time.

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Q: Can you skip your period for two months to make it two weeks earlier?
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If 40 weeks for pregnancy that is 10 months why do they say 9 months?

There are 365.24 days in a year = 52.17 weeks in a year = 4.39 weeks in a month (most people think we have 4 weeks in a month due to rounding it off however that .39 can make a big difference in the end!) 4.39 weeks (per month) mulitiplied by 9 months = 39.51 weeks gestational period. or you could also say 40 weeks divided by 4.39 weeks per month = 9.1 months In short there are 39.51 weeks in 9 months and there are 43.9 weeks in 10 months.

Your last period was on 25th october 2008 when did you conceive?

If your first day of your period was on Oct.25,2008,then that would make you 18 weeks pregnant(4 months two weeks)and going by that the baby would be born on or around August 1,2009.

How many months are you when your twenty six weeks?

We average four weeks to make a month. That would make you six and half months pregnant.

Is there really a shot that can make you miss a period just for one month?

No, there really is not a shot that can make you miss a period for just one month. The Depo-Provera shot is administered every 11 to 13 weeks, which can stop your periods for 3 months.

Can sperm regulate period?

no it will make your period stop for 9 months

What pill can you take to bring on your period earlier?

There is no such pill. Your period is part of your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make your period start earlier than it is due.

Can yoga make your period start 2 weeks early?


If you take 2 birth control pills a day will your period come earlier?

No this will not make your period come earlier. You should only take 1 birth control pill a day.

No period after depo can I get pregnant?

Depoprovera will not make you pregnant for months.

Could you bleed to death if your on your period more than two weeks?

No. Your period is simply the lining of your uterus that had formed to make a baby. If you are just starting your period the cycle will take a few months to a year to settle down to a regular number of days/weeks due to your hormones. It is not unusual to have a period of several days or as short as one day. This same thing will also happen when menopause starts when you are about 50. It is all hormonal.

Past 7 months your period is every 6 weeks only with no real period besides spotting?

It is common to experience changes in your menstrual cycle. Stress and hormonal changes can effect your cycle. Schedule a visit with your physician to make sure there are no other causes.

Does being seven months and two weeks pregnant make seven and a half months?

Yes, then you are seven and a half months. The doctor usually counts the time in weeks. It seems like you give birth when you're over nine months pregnant but you don't.