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This wouldn't accord with the standard definition of "vegan." Ownership of the egg or chicken does not effect the classifications for types of vegetarians. But the primary reason vegans don't eat eggs is the Horror of egg farming, the suffering of the hens. It is not the concern for the potential sentience of the eggs. So ultimately, if you take good care of your chickens, if you allow them a free a comfortable life and let them live out their natural lives, eating their eggs is not a grievous offense. The eggs, after all, are not yet sentient and do not feel pain when you break them and cook them. Whether the hens would miss their eggs--their offspring--is another question, but presumably they wouldn't.

However, for vegans who have chosen this lifestyle out of mainly philosophical reasons, eating eggs regardless of the hen's living conditions can be considered unacceptable. The reasoning behind this can range from arguments such as "humans weren't meant to live off the bodies of other animals" to "I am opposed to exploiting animals; in using them or anything they create as a means to my end." Perhaps if the chicken could communicate and grant permission to use its eggs or thighs or wings, and the subject still desired to consume a talking chicken, it would be permissible. ---------

A: They aren't vegans, they are called 'Veggans'. 'Vegans' who eat honey are called 'Beegans'


There is no standard definition of vegan and if you believe that it is right to eat those eggs then go ahead. If they are unfertilized then you are not eating any part of a chicken- it is like eating a chicken period. As long as the chickens are not being used soley for their egg-processing and as long as the chickens are not being killed after they stop producing it doesn't really matter. I am a vegan and ate my own chickens' eggs for a while because in contrast to other things they are not unhealthy and they are not hurting anything and they are not meant for any other purpose.

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Most vegetarians eat eggs; some do not.

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Vegans do not eat eggs.

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Q: Can you eat eggs if your vegan?
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Are eggs vegan?

No. Vegans do not eat any animal products, which eggs are.

What are some tips on being a vegetarian?

well try hard not to eat meat. if you are a vegan then dont eat any animal. there is a diff between vegan and vegetarian. if you are vegan the dont eat any kind of animal like eggs, or fish. if you are a vegetarian its ok to eat eggs or fish. and there is a lot more difference in them just go searc and you will see

Is honey or fish or eggs a vegan dish?

Eggs and honey are not vegan but are vegetarian. Vegetarian- not mean. Vegan- not from an animal. Fish is not vegan.

Is a vegan the same thing as a vegetarion?

No. A vegetarian does not eat any meat. A vegan not only doesn't eat meat, but also doesn't eat milk, cheese, eggs, or use any other animal product.

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A vegan vegetarian, or vegan for short, does not eat any animal product. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, fish, honey, or any foods that contain those products in their recipes.

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It's probably easiest to look at vegan recipes; vegan's don't eat dairy or eggs so they have developed recipes that avoid them. Try the BBC vegan baking webpage: as a starting off point.

What are vigans?

A vegan is someone that doesn't eat anything that comes from animals like meat, eggs, milk, cheese They eat vegetables and fruit

A peason who does not eat maet?

If you mean "a person who does not eat meat": "vegetarian", or, if the person doesn't eat any animal products like dairy or eggs, "vegan".

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Does not eat meat, but consumes other animal products such as milk, eggs and butter: VegetarianDoes not eat meat nor any other animal products such as milk, eggs and butter: Vegan

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She is a vegan which means she doesn't eat anything that involving dairy,eggs,meat,fish,honey ect. ;)

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