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In current society/pop culture, Goth is a subculture from the post-punk genre. It is commonly associated with black and/or medieval clothing and heavy makeup. Goths are typically associated with violence and hatred, but are really very tolerant. For goths, religion is seen as a matter of one's personal ideals and private decision. Goths are not to be confused with punks, many of whom embrace far left-wing ideals, nihilism, and/or anarchism, which do not point to Christianity.

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Q: Can you still like God if you are a Goth?
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What is a eko-goth?

An eko-goth is basically a gothic person who acts like themselves but they still have their depressive moments and stuff.

Is Justin Bieber into goth?

no! god no

Do goth believe in god?

There are alot that do. There are also Jewish Goths, Muslim Goths, Atheist Goths, etc.

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You cant really be a scene and goth chick at the same time mainly because the 2 sub-cultures clash.

What is an eco goth?

An eco goth wears black and thinks green. they are goth like you know but they care for the environment, the planet, and anything else living. they still do spells and the very eco eco goth will go through thousands of herbs and spices a year. eco goths are kinda like Wickens except no chance of them being evil!

Do Goth People believe in Jesus?

some do and some dont, some just like the style of clothing but still love the lord others are atheist, but reallly "goth" is just a stereotype

Do goth people like sports?

Yes, of course they do, anybody can like sports, even if they are goth

Do girls like goth guys?

(new) yes they do but they do not always date goth girls they do not really have a preference like for example: im a goth girl and i dated a goth guy we broke up and he dated my punk friend that is kinda nerdy and likes anime so goth guys really date whoever they want not just goth girls.I am a goth and i like Emo girls sometimes,Guess a goth would date anyone but casual people and chav people~I'm scene and I'm dating a goth. When he first met me, he said he thought I was emo/punk and didn't find out I was scene until I told him. After he found out, he could care less. Labels generally don't matter to goths. Or at least not the goths I've met.* By the way, he HAS mentioned he thought I should turn goth because "goths are sexy" or something like that. So I'm sure goth guys like goth girls. Or at least some do.I am a goth girl... i dont understand the importance of this question. if he likes you, he likes you. if he doesent, he doesent.Although I agree with her^^^ I still think that's a yes. Goth guys do like goth girls. I mean, their guys. Can't they like who their like?

Is goth common?

Goth has started as a very popular subculture in the 1980's. There are still some Goths around, but it is not that common as it was before. Nowadays, many people still belong to the Goth subculture, but there is not as many of them as it was in the 1980's.

What year did van goth die?

Photographer van Goth is still alive. Painter van Gogh died in 1890.

What kind of movies do goth watch?

Whatever a goth is interested in. Goth is a state of mind before a style. Like Ginger Snaps, Queen Of The Damned, Cradle Of Fear And Others Like This.

Are tripp pants goth?

No goth is just if you worship the devil or explore the wika culture (witches) but yes it is goth like and favored by goths but some people just like the look